The Mint Door Blog 

Giving Life to the Thoughts in Our Heads

Emotional Navigation:

How Dental Professionals Can Turn Stress into a Guiding Force
Dr. Laura Schwindt
In the demanding world of dental care, stress and burnout aren't just buzzwords—they're everyday realities. But what if these challenges could be your most powerful tools for growth and well-being? Inspired by Ariane de Bonvoisin's 'The First 30 Days', let's explore how to transform stress into a guiding force in your life.
The Emotional GPS:
Imagine your emotions as a GPS. This concept, drawn from the insightful work of Ariane de Bonvoisin, suggests that negative emotions aren't roadblocks but rather signposts. They alert us when we're off track, much like a GPS that asks, 'Where are you now?' and 'Where do you want to go?'  In our professional lives, this translates to recognizing feelings of burnout and understanding what they signal about our needs and goals.
Reframing Stress:
Often seen as the enemy, stress can be reframed as an ally. When you understand your stress, you can identify its sources and take action. It's about asking yourself, 'What am I feeling right now?' and 'What do I want to feel instead?'. This shift in perspective is crucial for dental professionals who face high-stress situations daily.
Actionable Steps:
1. Self-Reflection: Regularly check in with yourself. What are your current stressors? What brings you joy in your work? What are you feeling right now, and what do you want to be feeling?
2. Goal Setting: Define what you want to feel and achieve. Set small, achievable goals towards this desired state. Create simple actions to take when you need to reframe a feeling. 
3. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, whether through meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a moment to be present. Stop and ask yourself, "How am I right now?" 
Your journey as a dental professional doesn't have to be defined by stress and burnout. Understanding your emotional state and taking proactive steps, you can navigate toward a more fulfilling professional and personal life. Remember, your emotions aren't just feelings but can be a roadmap to a better you.

If you enjoyed this blog and would like to explore a personalized road map to a flourishing personal and professional life, reach out and set up a complimentary Minty Moment Impact Chat today!

Breaking the Cycle: 

Sustainable Change and the Top Free and Affordable Coaching Tools to Make It Happen

Dr. Karen Tindall
The all-too-familiar scenario of setting ambitious New Year's resolutions only to watch them crumble within weeks or months is a shared experience for many. From the infamous "Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day" on January 17th to the daunting statistics revealing the average resolution lifespan, it's clear that traditional goal-setting methods often lead to disappointment. In this post, we'll explore the reasons behind these recurring pitfalls and present a solution: embracing realistic goals with the help of the best free and affordable coaching tools. By incorporating proven coaching techniques, your resolutions can transform from short-lived aspirations into lasting, impactful changes.
The Resolution Rollercoaster
A Forbes Health/One Poll survey findings emphasize the short lifespan of resolutions and the common patterns of commitment. The survey found that the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months. Only 8% of respondents tend to stick with their goals for one month, while 22% last two months, 22% last three months and 13% last four months. These statistics really do highlight the significance of acknowledging the need for a different approach to goal-setting.

The Pitfalls of Unrealistic Resolutions
Lofty resolutions often fail because of factors like lack of specificity, unrealistic expectations, and the absence of a structured plan. After all, who can sustain resolutions such as “I will walk at lunchtime for 20 minutes every day” or “We will see every patient on time”. Without a carefully thought-through approach, it is easy to create resolutions that are just not sustainable.

Embracing Realistic and Sustainable Goals
Setting realistic, sustainable goals prioritizing long-term success over short-lived victories is the key to success. It is important to create measurable objectives and a step-by-step action plan.

The Power of Coaching Tools - Top Free and Affordable Coaching Tools
Coaching tools that empower individuals to set and achieve realistic goals provide the clarity of the thought process needed to set yourself up for success. We have compiled the following list of free and affordable resources that guide users through effective goal-setting processes, ensuring accountability and progress tracking

The List

The Mint Door’s Self-Care Planner
Using our workbook, we will guide you through creating sustainable and impactful changes to your well-being in one month. Using coaching questions and processes, this workbook and journal walks with you step by step as you prioritize YOU! Available on Amazon for only $7.99, this is like having a life coach in your pocket!

Mel is one of The Mint Door favorites and an all-around mega star! She has created a free workbook to step into 2024 with clarity about what you want and how to make a plan to make it happen. Mel’s workbook is written with a science-backed curriculum that will support you to feel inspired, energized, and in control of life. 

The Heroic app provides you with ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools to help people show up as their best—both professionally and personally—optimizing every facet of their lives while creating life-changing habits, forging mental toughness and a deep sense of antifragile confidence to meet any and all of life’s challenges.

Experience life-changing transformation using The Mint Door’s proven formula. The low monthly membership fee of only $27 gains you access to monthly training, weekly open coaching sessions, and a constantly expanding resource library that houses the invaluable knowledge of respected industry experts.
The Refresh Program from The Mint Door is an affordable way to access certified life coaches over Zoom weekly and benefit from continued learning, encouragement, and community. As you acquire practical skills and knowledge to transform your life from stagnant and stuck to energized and flourishing you will uncover your true gifts and use them confidently daily.
Join anytime and you are not tied into any fixed membership term. 

Affordable Coaching at Your Fingertips
The transformative potential of adopting realistic goals supported by coaching techniques can vastly increase your success when adopting new habits and setting goals. We encourage you to explore the recommended tools and start your journey towards lasting personal development. 

Resolutions don't have to be fleeting; with the right approach, positive changes are definitely within reach.

Transform Burnout to Reignite Your Spark:

A High Achiever's Guide to Reflect, Recharge, and Realign for 2024

Dr. Laura Schwindt
As dental professionals, you're familiar with the high demands and occasional burnout that come with the profession. But as the year draws to a close, it's crucial to pause and reflect. 

Doing this is about more than just setting new goals but about rediscovering our underlying values and aspirations, often lost in the bustle of work. 
Celebrate Your 2023 Achievements

Start by reflecting on 2023. Ask yourself: What went well? Celebrate these victories, no matter how small. Did you master a new skill, improve communication, or perhaps harmonize work with personal life more effectively? 

Acknowledge and celebrate these successes!
Identifying Areas for Improvement

Next, consider what needs work. Doing this is not about self-criticism but about curious evaluation. What challenges did you face? Were there tasks that felt draining or unfulfilling? Identifying these areas helps you decide what to improve, delegate, or eliminate in the coming year.

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." 
                                                                                                              - Maya Angelou

Looking Forward with a Holistic Lens
As you set goals for 2024, don't just focus on professional milestones. Ask yourself: What's getting overlooked in my personal growth, health, or relationships? Plan to integrate these into your 2024 goals. It could be dedicating time to a hobby, improving physical fitness, or nurturing meaningful relationships.

Embracing a Well-Rounded Approach

Remember, you're not just a dental professional but a multifaceted individual. Harmonizing work with personal values and aspirations is key to a fulfilling life. This holistic approach enhances your well-being and positively impacts your professional efficiency.
Two tremendous reflective questions:

"What daily or weekly practices for a better you have fallen by the wayside?"
"What would the person You would like to become in 2024 do in this year?"

Ready to make 2024 your best year yet? 

Let's discuss how you can align your professional and personal goals for a more fulfilling year ahead. 

Reach out for a complimentary "Minty Moment Impact Chat" today, and let's explore how you can flourish both in and out of the clinic.

As you bid farewell to 2023, you can embrace 2024 with optimism and a well-rounded plan. It's time to celebrate your achievements, learn from your challenges, and realign your aspirations with your daily life. 

Here's to a flourishing, harmonized, and fulfilling new year!

The Gift of Life Coaching:

Transforming Lives and Unleashing Potential

Dr. Karen Tindall
Life coaching has emerged as a transformative force, offering individuals a powerful gift that goes beyond conventional self-help methods. In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the guidance and support provided by a life coach can be the catalyst for personal growth, self-discovery, and lasting positive change. Using life coaching as a tool for success in dental practices is a new idea that is having valuable impacts on individuals, practice harmony and a healthy bottom line. While some practice owners may not fully understand how life coaching can enhance their practice, the doctors who see the potential and implement practice wellness programs are reaping the rewards for themselves and the whole practice team. 
Unbiased Support

One of the greatest gifts of life coaching is the unbiased support it offers. Life coaches serve as objective partners, providing a safe space for individuals to explore their goals, aspirations, and challenges without judgment. This impartiality allows clients to gain clarity on their values and priorities, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves.

Goal Clarity and Direction

Life coaching helps individuals define their goals with clarity and precision. Through targeted questioning and reflective exercises, coaches assist clients in identifying their aspirations and creating a roadmap to achieve them. This clarity empowers individuals to take purposeful actions, transforming vague dreams into tangible, achievable objectives.

Accountability and Motivation

A life coach acts as an accountability partner, holding clients responsible for their commitments and actions. This accountability is a powerful motivator, encouraging individuals to stay focused on their goals and overcome obstacles. The regular check-ins and support from a coach provide the necessary push to maintain momentum and overcome self-doubt.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Many people grapple with limiting beliefs that hinder their progress. Life coaching is a gift that helps individuals recognize and overcome these barriers. Coaches work with clients to challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with empowering beliefs, paving the way for a more positive and confident mindset.

Building Confidence and Resilience

Life coaching instills a sense of confidence and resilience in individuals. As clients navigate their personal and professional challenges, coaches offer guidance on building resilience, adapting to change, and embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth. This newfound confidence becomes a lasting gift that extends far beyond the coaching relationship.

Work-Life Balance and Well-being

In a fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance can be elusive. Life coaching emphasizes holistic well-being, helping individuals strike a harmonious balance between career, relationships, and personal fulfillment. This gift of equilibrium contributes to enhanced overall life satisfaction and happiness.

Sustainable Change

Unlike quick fixes or temporary solutions, life coaching focuses on sustainable change. By addressing the root causes of challenges and fostering long-term strategies, coaches empower individuals to create lasting transformations in various aspects of their lives.
In conclusion, life coaching is a profound gift that enables individuals to unlock their full potential, overcome obstacles, and lead more fulfilling lives. Through unbiased support, goal clarity, accountability, and a focus on holistic well-being, life coaching serves as a guiding light on the journey to self-discovery and personal growth. The ripple effects of this gift extend beyond the coaching relationship, positively impacting every facet of an individual's life. 

If you want to bring these benefits to your dental office or company then The Mint Door is here to support you. With programs ranging from on demand well-being with CE through to affordable open group coaching for the members of your team or a custom bespoke practice wellness program designed for your individual office we have the solution you are looking for. 

We’d love for you to watch this video that will give you an in depth insight into how The Mint Door will enhance your life and the life of your practice!

Professional Gratitude:

Transform Your Success with a Thankful Heart

Dr. Laura Schwindt
Welcome to a transformation journey in your success through the lens of gratitude! In your fast-paced world, where dental professionals often navigate high-stress environments and demanding schedules, embracing the power of gratitude can be a pivotal change. Let's dive into how cultivating a mindset of gratitude not only enhances your success but also elevates your well-being and strengthens your professional relationships. Let's explore the remarkable impact that gratitude can have in reshaping your experience in dentistry and beyond.
The Science of Gratitude:

Gratitude isn't just a feel-good emotion; it's backed by science. Studies have shown that gratitude can significantly impact our psychological and physical health, which is especially beneficial in high-stress professions like dentistry. By acknowledging and appreciating the positives, dental professionals can combat stress, enhance resilience, and improve overall life satisfaction.

Building Stronger Connections Through Gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful tool for strengthening relationships. In a dental practice, expressing genuine appreciation can foster deeper connections with patients and colleagues, creating a more positive and trusting environment. This, in turn, can lead to increased patient loyalty, better teamwork, and a more harmonious workplace.
The Impact of Gratitude on Professional Growth:

A mindset of gratitude can lead to greater job satisfaction, improved morale among the team, and even success in your practice. When you approach your work with a grateful heart, it reflects in the quality of your care, decision-making, and interactions, leading to a more fulfilling and prosperous career.

Further Exploration:

If you liked this tip, you'll love The Mint Door's weekly newsletter, 
'The Mint Julep.' 
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Embracing gratitude in your dental practice can lead to a more rewarding professional journey and a more prosperous personal life. It's about more than just feeling thankful; it's about letting that gratitude shape your interactions, decisions, and overall approach to your career and life.

Smooth Sailing:

The Busy Holiday Season at the Office

Dr. Karen Tindall
While filled with joy and festivities, the holiday season can also be a demanding time for dental professionals and life in a dental practice. Balancing exceptional patient care, team members' time off, and maintaining a positive work environment can be challenging. Here's a three-step guide to help navigate the bustling holiday season in your office.

1. Define Your Values for the Season

Yes, we are talking about values again! Having clarity of your values is one of the foundations for success. Establishing clear values around the holiday season and the dental practice sets the foundation for a harmonious holiday season in the office. Prioritize exceptional patient care, ensuring that the quality of service remains unwavering amidst the festivities. Recognize the importance of time off for both team members and yourself, fostering a culture that values work-life synergy.

End the year on a high note by striving for strong performance while maintaining a positive attitude. Celebrate achievements and milestones, and consider incorporating service to others into your holiday plans – whether it's organizing a charitable initiative or volunteering as a team.

2. Plan Ahead for a Smooth Holiday Season

Effective planning is crucial for a seamless holiday experience at the office. Encourage team members to share their unmissable events, such as children's concerts or performances. Work together to create a schedule accommodating everyone's priorities, ensuring each team member can attend significant events.

Determine the logistics of holiday traditions, like gift exchanges and parties. Clarify expectations for gifts from the practice owner, emphasizing meaningful gestures over extravagant ones. Decide whether to host a holiday party or postpone it to a less hectic time of the year. Plan for a higher-than-normal number of emergency appointments and establish a plan for out-of-hours coverage, keeping patients informed.

3. Take Care of Your Team

Acknowledge the busy and hectic nature of the season by incorporating opportunities for rest into the workday. Implement short breaks that allow team members to recharge, whether through a brief change of activity, a one-minute guided meditation, or simple breathing exercises.

Create a supportive atmosphere by fostering gratitude and encouraging the team to express appreciation for one another. Consider implementing a mantra board where team members can share positive affirmations, contributing to a collectively uplifting environment.

Recognize that the holiday season is a time of increased stress, both at work and at home. Show understanding and support, and lead by example in promoting a healthy work-life balance. By prioritizing values, planning effectively, and taking care of your team, you can navigate the busy holiday season with grace and create a positive and memorable experience for everyone in the office.
Ensuring that the team in your dental practice is thriving all year round is key to achieving the maximum success possible. This holiday give yourself the gift of total well-being. Whether you want to sign your team up for the Well-Being Aware Program for $1494 so everyone can benefit from whole-person wellness and 2 hours of CE, or maybe you want to sign yourself or some of your team for the Refresh Program to access weekly affordable coaching, The Mint Door has the answer for you and your practice. 

From Stress to Success:

Unwrap Transformation this Holiday Season

Dr. Laura Schwindt
As dental professionals, the holiday season often means a packed schedule, mounting deadlines, and juggling personal commitments. It's easy to get caught in this whirlwind, feeling the weight of stress and anxiety. But what if you could turn this challenge into an opportunity? 
Acknowledge the Stress, Embrace the Gift

Choosing the "Thank You for This Gift" opens a refreshing chance to transform your stress.
When your day feels overwhelming, take a moment to pause and say, "Thank You for This Gift." This simple phrase is a powerful reminder of your strength, resilience, and the trust your patients or clients place in you. It's about finding the silver lining in the chaos and recognizing each challenge as an opportunity to grow and appreciate the positive aspects of your profession.

Mindful Moments for Self-Care

Amid back-to-back appointments, it's crucial to find time for self-care. Short, mindful breaks can make a world of difference. Practice a quick breathing exercise or engage in a random act of kindness towards a teammate or colleague. These small actions not only reduce stress but also foster a sense of camaraderie and support within your team.
Sharing Traditions, Building Bonds

The holiday season is perfect for connecting more deeply with your team and clients. Encourage everyone to share their holiday traditions and stories. Partaking in each other's special moments creates a sense of community and makes each person feel valued and heard. Whether it's a unique family recipe, a particular holiday activity, or a heartwarming story, these shared experiences can infuse your workplace with warmth and joy.

Your Well-Being is Our Priority

We understand that sometimes you need a fresh perspective or a listening ear. That's why we offer the complimentary Minty Moment Impact Chat. It's a space for you to express your concerns, share your experiences, and receive the support you need during these bustling times.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." 
- Albert Einstein

Embrace the Season with Gratitude and Mindfulness

Let's approach this holiday season with gratitude, mindfulness, and a sense of community. Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and connection. Remember, every busy day is a testament to your valuable service and the difference you make in your peoples' lives.

Ready to Take Action

Feeling overwhelmed? Book a complimentary Minty Moment Impact Chat today. Let's navigate this season together, turning challenges into personal and professional growth opportunities.

Fostering a Positive Workplace Culture:

Reducing Gossip in the Dental Office

Dr. Karen Tindall
In the close-knit environment of a dental office, where teamwork is paramount, it's not uncommon for strong bonds to form among staff members. However, the camaraderie that comes with these close relationships can sometimes pave the way for gossip, creating a less-than-ideal workplace atmosphere. Effectively addressing and reducing gossip requires a combination of awareness, open communication, and a commitment to fostering a positive and respectful culture.

Promote Open Communication

Encourage a culture of transparency and open communication within the dental team. Establish regular team meetings where concerns and issues can be addressed in a constructive manner. By providing a platform for staff to express their thoughts openly, you create an environment that discourages gossip while promoting healthy discussions.

Lead by Example

Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the workplace culture. Set the tone by demonstrating professionalism and discretion in your own interactions. Avoid participating in or endorsing gossip, and make it clear that such behavior is not acceptable within the team. When leaders exemplify respect, it encourages staff members to follow suit.

Define and Communicate Boundaries

Clearly define professional boundaries and expectations for behavior within the office. Emphasize the importance of respecting colleagues' privacy and personal lives. Make it known that gossiping about colleagues can have negative consequences not only for workplace morale but also for the overall success of the team.

Encourage Team Building

Foster a positive workplace culture by organizing team-building activities that strengthen camaraderie in a constructive way. These activities can help staff members build connections based on shared goals and values, reducing the likelihood of negative gossip. Team-building initiatives contribute to a sense of unity and collaboration.

Establish a Confidential Channel

Provide a confidential channel for employees to address concerns or conflicts without fear of judgment. This could be an anonymous suggestion box or a designated person to whom staff members can voice their grievances. By offering a discreet outlet for concerns, you reduce the likelihood of negative sentiments turning into gossip.

Training on Conflict Resolution

Offer training sessions on conflict resolution and interpersonal communication. Equip staff members with the skills needed to address issues directly with colleagues rather than resorting to gossip. This proactive approach empowers employees to navigate conflicts in a healthy and respectful manner.

Regularly Reinforce Positive Behavior

Acknowledge and celebrate positive behaviors within the workplace. Recognize individuals who contribute to a positive atmosphere and make efforts to strengthen team bonds. By reinforcing positive behavior, you create a culture where mutual respect is valued, and gossip becomes less appealing.

Real-Life Example: Learning from Experience

In a bustling dental office a team of hygienists found themselves entangled in a web of gossip that strained their professional relationships and threatened the overall harmony of the workplace. Initially, the team, bonded by years of shared experiences, had a close-knit dynamic that contributed to their success in patient care. However, as personal matters began to intertwine with professional life, whispers and speculations among team members started to spread like wildfire.

The gossip took a toll on the once-cohesive team, causing misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and strained communication. What had initially been harmless chit-chat transformed into a toxic force, leading to fractured relationships and a palpable sense of tension within the office. The once-united team of hygienists found themselves at odds with one another, compromising the quality of patient care and overall office morale.

Recognizing the need for intervention, the dental practice owner asked The Mint Door for support. Through facilitated discussions the hygiene team addressed the underlying issues that fueled the gossip and guided the team toward rebuilding trust and communication.

Coaching for Change: Rebuilding and Moving Forward

The coaching process began with individual sessions to allow each team member to express their concerns and grievances in a confidential setting. This created a safe space for the hygienists to open up about the impact of gossip on their professional and personal lives. Then the hygienists attended a facilitated group session to encourage open dialogue and foster understanding among team members.

During these sessions, the hygienists learned to appreciate the importance of maintaining a positive and respectful workplace culture. The value of direct communication, conflict resolution, and personal responsibility in contributing to a healthy team dynamic was addressed. Through guided exercises, the hygiene team developed strategies for addressing concerns directly with one another, eliminating the need for gossip as a means of expression.

As the team embraced the coaching process, a transformative shift occurred within the office. The hygienists committed to adopting a strict policy against gossiping and actively worked to create a culture of support and collaboration.

Adopting a No-Gossip Policy: Moving Towards Positivity

With newfound awareness and a commitment to change, the hygienists implemented a 'No Gossip' policy within the office. This policy, supported by the entire team, included clear guidelines on respectful communication, conflict resolution procedures, and consequences for violating the policy. The office culture began to shift from one of mistrust and negativity to a more positive and collaborative environment.

Through coaching and the collective effort of the hygienists, the dental office not only recovered from the damaging effects of gossip but emerged stronger than before. The team's dedication to maintaining a healthy workplace culture became a cornerstone of their success, enhancing both their professional relationships and the quality of patient care they provided.

This real-life example serves as a powerful illustration of the impact gossip can have on a dental office team and highlights the transformative potential of coaching in rebuilding trust, fostering open communication, and steering the team toward a future defined by positivity and mutual respect.

Reducing gossip in a dental office requires a concerted effort to cultivate a positive workplace culture. By promoting open communication, leading by example, defining boundaries, encouraging team building, providing a confidential channel, offering conflict resolution training, and reinforcing positive behavior, you can create an environment where staff members thrive both professionally and personally. In doing so, your dental office can maintain a supportive and respectful atmosphere that enhances teamwork and patient care.

Unmasking the Hidden Agony

A Guide for Dental Professionals Tackling Chronic Anxiety

Dr. Laura Schwindt
In the hallowed clinics where smiles are recreated, a silent specter lurks – the ghost of chronic anxiety. Beneath the masks that you wear as dental professionals, there often resides a ceaseless turmoil, an insidious wave of chronic anxiety- also known as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)- that weathers away your vitality, piece by piece.

"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength." 
                                                                                                           - Charles Spurgeon

Here's a glimpse into how chronic anxiety may silently be affecting your overall well-being:

Physical Echoes of Unseen Battles:
Your body might be in a constant state of fight or flight, leading to muscle tension, sleep disturbances, and an orchestra of gastrointestinal upsets. 
Emotional and Behavioral Shadows:
Emotionally, a turbulent storm might be raging within, marked by restlessness, irritability, and a vicious cycle of perfectionism and procrastination.

Mind's Silent Scream:
Cognitively, you may find yourself imprisoned in a labyrinth of racing thoughts and catastrophic expectations, making it an ordeal to concentrate and feel at ease.
Invisible Barriers in Social Tides:
Socially, an invisible barrier might seem to envelop you, making social interactions seem like unsurmountable mountains.
Occupational Hazards:
Occupationally, the tumult might seep into your professional life, resulting in reduced productivity and impaired performance.

Guided Pathways to Light

Taking proactive steps to manage and alleviate low-grade chronic anxiety is crucial to the healing process. Here are five actionable steps to begin this journey toward healing:

Embark on a Journey with Experts: Seeking professional help lays the cornerstone of unmasking the agony of chronic anxiety. Reach out for expert hands to guide you through.
Mindfulness: Your Anchor in the Storm: Let practices like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation be your allies in calming the storms of the mind.
Dance in the Rhythm of Physical Bliss: Let the rhythms of physical activity wash over the stiffness, ushering in a wave of feel-good endorphins.
Crafting the Lifestyle of Serenity: Harness the power of a nourished body and serene sleep to rebuild the fortresses of your well-being.
The Healing Power of Shared Stories: Let the compassionate threads of a support network weave warmth into your journey of overcoming anxiety.

"Taking a step back to nurture your mind, body, and soul is not a step backward 
but a profound leap forward." 
                                                                                                 - Anonymous

Embrace Your Journey towards Resilience: Your pathway towards unmasking and healing the impacts of chronic anxiety beckons. Reach out, and let's weave a tapestry of strategies tailored just for you in a complimentary impact chat. Start building your personalized Nervous System Regulation Toolkit today, and let resilience blossom in the gardens of your professional life! 

Join us in this transformative journey: Book Your Minty Moment Impact Chat Today!

Balancing Act

The Struggles of Dental Professionals and the Importance of Practice Wellness

Dr. Karen Tindall
In the fast-paced world of dental care, professionals often find themselves juggling numerous roles, each demanding unwavering attention and skill. They strive to maintain the delicate equilibrium required to ensure patient care, practice management, and personal well-being. Yet, this constant balancing act can take a toll, both physically and emotionally, leading to burnout and a sense of unfulfillment.

Imagine this scenario as a high stacked pile of delicate plates. The pressure to keep this tower stable is immense, as the fear of dropping a plate, or worse, the entire stack, looms constantly. This stress can take a toll on one's mental health and impact their overall well-being, both personally and professionally. We often forget that the most crucial plate at the bottom represents the comprehensive well-being of the individual and the practice itself.
At The Mint Door, we have recognized this critical aspect and have developed The Mint Method Practice Wellness Programs, which aim to provide comprehensive support for both the dental professional and the practice as a whole. By ensuring that the foundational plate of overall well-being remains secure and well-attended, we empower dental professionals to navigate the challenges of their roles more effectively.

Our innovative programs not only emphasize the importance of self-care but also provide practical strategies to promote practice wellness. The Mint Method Practice Wellness Programs are designed to foster resilience, alleviate stress, and foster a sustainable work-life balance. We believe that when the fundamental plate of total well-being is strong, managing the other responsibilities becomes more manageable, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.
To experience the transformative impact of The Mint Method Practice Wellness Programs firsthand, we encourage you to arrange a complimentary Harmony Lunch & Learn or schedule a 30-minute complimentary Minty Moment Session with The Mint Door. Take the first step towards enhancing your well-being and that of your practice. 

Let The Mint Door be your partner in achieving a fulfilling and sustainable dental practice journey.

Dental Professionals Unite!

Beat Stress, Anxiety and Burnout With This Powerful 3-Step Strategy

Dr. Laura Schwindt
In the realm of dentistry, where precision and perfection are paramount, we are no strangers to striving for those elusive A's. But what if we could also apply this A-game approach to our well-being? Introducing "The Triple A" approach—an empowering method to conquer the health toll dentistry can have on you, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Awareness - The First A:

To conquer any challenge, awareness is key. Are you AWARE of any physical, mental, and/or emotional issues that dentistry might be presenting in your life?

Physical Awareness: 
Take note of any signs of physical strain such as muscle tension, posture issues, or fatigue. Your body often speaks to you; listen to it.
Mental Awareness: 
Recognize signs of mental fatigue, lack of focus, or decision-making struggles. Are you feeling overwhelmed or mentally drained after a busy day at the clinic?
Emotional Awareness: 
Tune in to your emotional state. Are you feeling emotionally depleted due to the responsibilities and expectations placed upon you?

Share Your Awareness: 
Engage with fellow dental professionals and share your experiences. Open conversations create a support network where challenges can be acknowledged and addressed.

"In the journey to well-being, awareness is the compass guiding us to a healthier destination." 
- Unknown

Assessment - The Second A:

Once you're aware of the issues, it's time to ASSESS them—understand the type and degree of your challenges.

Physical Assessment: 
Evaluate any physical concerns stemming from the day-to-day practicing activities. Tune into aches, pains, and soreness and get curious. 
Mental Assessment: 
Make note of your mental capacity throughout the week. Explore how often your brain feels ‘foggy,’ forgetful, or sluggish. Also, keep track of how often you ‘just can’t shut down.’
Emotional Assessment: 
Dig a little deeper and keep track of the wave of your emotions or notice when you may just not feel anything, feel emotionally flat, or have compassion fatigue.

"Assessment is the blueprint of progress—knowing where you stand empowers you to move forward." 
- Unknown

Action - The Third A:

The final A in "The Triple A" approach is ACTION. Take one ACTION to address the identified issues and work towards restoring balance in your life.

Physical Action: 
Consult a healthcare professional to evaluate physical concerns. Incorporate regular stretching exercises into your daily routine to alleviate physical strain and enhance endurance.
Mental Action: 
Consider mindfulness techniques, stress-reducing activities, or consulting a mental health professional to assess and manage mental strain. Dedicate time to mindfulness practices, deep breathing, or even a hobby that stimulates your mind, providing much-needed mental rejuvenation.
Emotional Action: 
Seek emotional support through counseling or engage in activities that nurture emotional well-being, like spending time with loved ones or pursuing hobbies. Connect with your loved ones, set boundaries at work, and practice self-care. Taking these actions can help recharge your emotional batteries.

Building Your "Triple A" Approach Toolkit:

Ready to transform your dental profession from just achieving A's to nurturing your holistic well-being? 
Reach out for a complimentary Minty Moment Impact Chat, and let's embark on the journey of building your personalized "Triple A" Approach Toolkit today!

"Small actions, when multiplied, can change the trajectory of your life." 
- Unknown

The Power of Positive Psychology:

Transforming Your Dental Team for Success

Dr. Karen Tindall
In the fast-paced world of dentistry, where precision and expertise are crucial, it's easy to overlook the importance of mental and emotional well-being within your dental team. However, incorporating positive psychology into your practice can bring about many advantages that benefit your staff and positively impact your patients. In this article, we will explore the concept of positive psychology, its benefits, and practical strategies that can be adopted to foster a healthier, more productive dental team.

Understanding Positive Psychology

Positive psychology, a field pioneered by Dr. Martin Seligman, is the scientific study of what makes life worth living. It focuses on identifying and cultivating strengths, virtues, and factors contributing to human flourishing and well-being. Positive psychology seeks to shift the paradigm from merely treating mental illness to actively enhancing mental health and happiness.

The Advantages of Positive Psychology in Dentistry

1. Supporting Healthy Behaviors: Positive psychology promotes healthy behaviors among dental team members. Encouraging a positive outlook on life often leads to healthier lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and improved sleep patterns. This, in turn, enhances physiological health and overall vitality.

2. Improved Emotional Wellbeing: Dental professionals often face high-stress situations. Incorporating positive psychology strategies can help team members develop emotional resilience, cope with stress effectively, and maintain a more optimistic attitude.

3. Enhanced Health Outcomes: Research has shown that individuals with a positive mindset tend to recover more quickly from illnesses and surgeries. By fostering positivity within your dental team, you may inadvertently contribute to better patient health outcomes.

4. Reduced Burnout: The demanding nature of dentistry can lead to burnout among team members. Positive psychology interventions, such as mindfulness and gratitude practices, can significantly reduce the risk of burnout by promoting psychological well-being and resilience.

Practical Positive Psychology Activities

Here are some positive psychology activities that can be easily adopted by your dental team to promote well-being:

- Gratitude: Start or end team meetings by expressing gratitude for each other's contributions and the opportunity to serve patients.

- Savoring: Encourage team members to savor positive moments in their day, whether it's a successful procedure or a kind word from a patient.

- Mindfulness: Introduce mindfulness exercises into your daily routines to help team members stay present and reduce stress.

- Acts of Kindness: Promote a culture of kindness by encouraging random acts of kindness within the team and towards patients.

- Forgiveness: Foster forgiveness as a way to release negative emotions and promote harmony within the workplace.

- Prioritizing Positivity: Remind your team to prioritize positivity in their interactions with each other and patients to create a welcoming and supportive atmosphere.

The Mint Door’s Positive Psychology Journey

It's worth noting that Dr. Laura and Dr. Karen, have completed a positive psychology course with Dr. Martin Seligman himself, the father of positive psychology research. Their commitment to integrating positive psychology principles into their Practice Wellness Programs has led to improved team dynamics and happier patients in the practices they work with. Simply put, practices that incorporate positive psychology have a greatly increased likelihood of flourishing!

Recommended Reading: "Flourish" by Dr. Martin Seligman

To dive deeper into the world of positive psychology, we highly recommend Dr. Martin Seligman's book, Flourish. In this insightful book, Dr. Seligman explores the pillars of well-being and provides practical guidance on how to apply positive psychology principles in various aspects of life, including your dental practice.

Incorporating positive psychology into your dental team's daily routines and interactions can be a transformative step toward creating a healthier, happier, and more successful practice. By fostering emotional well-being, supporting healthy behaviors, and reducing burnout, you'll benefit your team and provide a more positive experience for your patients. Positive psychology is not just a theory; it's a practical approach that can lead to lasting positive change in your dental practice.

How can I integrate Positive Psychology into my practice? 

The Mint Door works with dentists and their practice teams using their proven formula, part of the Minty Method Practice Wellness Program. There are many options at many levels of how to get involved. A simple way to start is to sign up for their virtual on-demand practice wellness program, The Bronze Well-Being Aware Program. 

All practice team members can participate in short and available pockets of time during the work day. Your practice will earn a WBA (Well-Being Aware certification), demonstrating that you prioritize well-being for your team and your patients. In addition, the program is approved for 2 hours of CE! 

Registering is simple; click this link, and you can get started right away. 

For those practices looking for a more custom approach, schedule a time for a complimentary Minty Moment Chat, and we can help you understand how The Mint Door can create a flourishing practice for you. 

Unlocking The Energy of Dental Care

5 Proven Ways to Elevate Your Practice Atmosphere and Delight Your Patients

Dr. Laura Schwindt
Your dental office is more than just a place for oral care—it's a haven of health and positivity. Maintaining a welcoming atmosphere that puts your team and patients at ease is crucial to curating a personalized energy management plan. In this blog post, we'll explore five key strategies to help you create a harmonious and uplifting environment that leaves a lasting impression.
#1 Team Training and Empowerment:
A dental office is a dynamic ecosystem, and your team's energy plays a pivotal role in shaping its ambiance. Invest in team-building activities and workshops to foster a positive working environment. Encourage open communication and conflict resolution skills among team members, helping to defuse potential negativity at its source.
But it doesn't stop there. 
Equip your staff with emotional intelligence coaching to empower them to manage their emotions effectively. By doing so, they can minimize the impact of external stressors, ensuring a more positive energy flow throughout your practice.

"Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark." 
– Jay Danzie

#2 Morning Rituals:
Starting the day on the right foot is essential for creating a positive atmosphere. Begin each day with a team huddle or a brief meeting. Share positive affirmations, intentions, or motivational quotes to inspire optimism and determination. Encourage everyone to visualize how they want the day to unfold, creating a collective sense of purpose and positivity.
Furthermore, foster a supportive and inclusive work environment by acknowledging and empathizing with your team members' challenges outside of work. When individuals feel valued for who they are beyond their professional roles, they bring a more authentic and positive energy to the workplace.

#3 Patient Comfort and Engagement:
Patients' comfort and engagement are paramount for a positive dental experience. Transform your waiting room into a soothing oasis with comfortable seating, soft colors, and calming music. These simple changes can help patients feel at ease when they step in.
Moreover, train your staff to engage with patients in a friendly, empathetic manner. When patients feel heard, respected, and valued, their positive energy will contribute to an overall welcoming atmosphere.
#4 Energetic Cleansing Practices:
Negative or stagnant energy can accumulate in any space, including your dental office. Incorporate energetic cleansing practices like burning sage or using essential oils to clear the air and remove negativity. Consider adding natural elements like plants, crystals, or salt lamps to purify the environment and maintain a harmonious atmosphere. 
Additionally, encourage team members to move absorbed negative energy through activities such as dancing, humming, stretching, and engaging in slow, deep breathing exercises focusing on cleansing exhales. Moving energy can further enhance the overall energetic balance and promote a sense of well-being within the workspace.

#5 Feedback and Adaptation:
Creating a positive atmosphere is an ongoing process. Establish a feedback culture where both staff and patients feel comfortable expressing concerns or suggestions. Regularly review and adapt your energy management plan based on the feedback received. Get curious about what's working and what may need work regularly. By doing so, you'll continually improve the office environment and maintain a positive atmosphere.
Remember that everyone's energy affects your dental office, making energy management a crucial aspect of your practice. By addressing team dynamics and patient experiences, you can cultivate a refreshing, caring, welcoming, and energetically healthy environment. An energetically balanced office benefits your team and enhances the patient experience, ultimately boosting your dental office's reputation and success.

To kickstart your personalized Energy Management Tool Kit and elevate your dental office's atmosphere, don't hesitate to set up a complimentary Minty Moment Impact Chat today. Let's work together to create a dental practice that radiates positivity and sets the stage for healthier smiles and happier patients.

"Your energy introduces you before you even speak." 
- Unknown

Revitalizing Your Team

The Power of a Break Room Makeover
Dr. Karen Tindall
In the fast-paced world of modern dental practice, the importance of a well-designed break room often gets overlooked. However, the impact of a thoughtful break room makeover can be truly transformative for your team and practice. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a space that promotes well-being, productivity, and a positive work environment.

Reenergize and Reduce Fatigue

A break room serves as a sanctuary for employees to recharge and refuel. By providing comfortable seating and a designated area for meals, you create an inviting space that encourages your team to step away from their desks and take a breather. This simple act can significantly reduce fatigue and improve overall productivity.

The Power of Comfort

Even in small spaces, careful design can work wonders. Opt for calming color palettes like greens and blues to create a soothing atmosphere. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders to uplift the ambiance. Consider investing in air purifiers to ensure clean, refreshing air, especially in shared spaces. Ensure that you have comfortable seating for relaxing and a table and chairs for dining. 

Maintain Cleanliness

A tidy break room is a happy break room. Encourage employees to organize their belongings neatly, preventing clutter. Establish clear guidelines about not bringing pungent foods into the space to maintain a pleasant environment for all. Provide trash cans of a suitable size that are emptied daily. 

Design for Relaxation

If space permits, consider creating a designated quiet break room. Imagine the joy of having massage chairs, yoga mats, foam rollers, dim lighting, and calming scents to promote relaxation and stress relief. Such features can work wonders for team morale and well-being

Healthy Choices

Promote healthy habits by offering an array of nutritious snacks as an alternative to sugary options. Designing a tea and coffee station can also encourage healthier beverage choices. Consider hosting a weekly healthy potluck to foster team bonding and wellness.

Rename the Room

Your current space may be called the break or lunch room. How about creating a new name that reflects the redesigned space? How about a Team Lounge, Executive Living Room, or Restorative Room? Find a title that you feel suits the space and atmosphere.

The Ultimate ROI: Happy Teams

Remember, a happy and well team becomes a walking billboard for your practice. An intentionally designed break room goes beyond aesthetics; it cultivates an environment where well-being, collaboration, communication, and fun flourish. It's an investment with a return that benefits both your team and your practice's reputation.

In conclusion, don't underestimate the power of a break room makeover. It's not just a room; it's a space where your team recharges, reconnects, and thrives. By creating a welcoming and well-designed break room, you're not just enhancing your workplace; you're investing in the happiness and success of your team and practice.

The Mint Door is proud that its Mint Method Practice Wellness Program addresses all aspects of whole-person well-being in dental practices. If you are interested in re-thinking your break room or supporting the people on your team to shine, so that your practice flourishes, reach out to schedule a complimentary 30-minute chat to learn how we can support you. 
Click this link to learn more and schedule your time.

Fueling Success

Nourishing Holistic Well-Being for Your Dental Team
Dr. Laura Schwindt
I used to joke that if there was ever a candy shortage, find a dental office, and you'll find plenty! 
But beneath the laughter lies a profound truth – dental offices are not just about oral health; they can also be a haven for sugary indulgence.

Yet, there's more to cultivating a thriving dental practice than just focusing on teeth. Taking holistic care of your team's well-being might not appear as a direct line to improved practice numbers, but it's the secret ingredient that can transform your team from merely functioning to flourishing. 

Welcome to the world where The Mint Door supports practices with holistic life coaching that nurtures the whole person, creating a team that radiates well-being and success.

Food for Your Mood and to Avoid the 'Hangry': 
Do you provide snacks for your team? It might seem like a trivial question, but it holds one key to a happier, healthier, and more productive team. Food isn't just sustenance; it's fuel for both the body and the mind. Ever heard of the term 'hangry'? It's that feeling when hunger takes over, and you become irritable and short-tempered. Providing nutritious snacks isn't just about keeping hunger pangs at bay; it's about preventing the 'hangry' mood swings that can disrupt your team's harmony.

"A person who is secure enough in their basic physiological needs will cease to be preoccupied with them and is free to pursue the realization of their full potential." 
-Renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow

By offering healthy snacks, you're not just satiating hunger; you're creating an environment where your team can focus on their tasks, engage positively with each other, and contribute their best selves to the practice.
Holistic Care-Flourishing Inside and Out: 
Taking care of your team's holistic well-being goes beyond offering snacks. It's about fostering an atmosphere where their mental, emotional, and physical health is valued. A stress-free and supportive work environment reduces absenteeism, increases job satisfaction, and, ultimately, a more robust practice.
At The Mint Door, we believe that true success stems from the well-being of individuals. Our holistic life coaching approach acknowledges that your team members are multifaceted individuals with personal dreams and professional goals. When they feel empowered, energized, and fulfilled, they excel in their roles and radiate positivity that resonates with patients and colleagues alike.

Turning Well-Being into Wealth: 
You might be wondering, 
"How does investing in well-being translate into improved practice numbers?" 
The answer lies in the ripple effect. When nourished, supported, and mentally aligned, your team is more likely to bring their A-game to work daily. Patient interactions become more positive, teamwork thrives, and creativity blossoms. Ultimately, this harmonious atmosphere enhances patient satisfaction, loyal clientele, and referrals – the pillars that build a prosperous dental practice.
In dentistry, where teeth are your business, it's easy to overlook that your team members are holistic beings with multifaceted needs. And let's face it: even when you prioritize nurturing your team, your job is demanding and often leaves you with little leftover energy to do so. The Mint Door understands that and is committed to guiding you toward creating a practice that prioritizes dental health and holistic well-being. After all, a healthy practice is wealthy in more ways than one, and true wealth is measured in smiles – yours and your patients.

Ready to embark on a journey that transforms your practice from the inside out? 
Set up a complimentary "Minty Moment Impact Chat" with us and discover how you can start building your personalized practice well-being program today. Let's nurture well-being, cultivate success, and craft smiles that radiate genuine happiness.

10 Things that Dental Life Coaches

Think You Need to Remember
Dr. Karen Tindall

Working in dentistry is demanding and challenging. We have been where you are right now and these are ten things that we want to share with you. 

Please read these and know we are here for you, in your corner cheering you on. 

1. You are the expert in your life. No one else knows it like you do.
There are many people who tell you what to do, what works for them, and how you should be doing things. The solutions and experiences of others are interesting for gathering information, but the most powerful solutions and ideas are those that you create yourself. (This is how we, as coaches support you. Relying on your inner wisdom is the key!)

2. You deserve your own attention.
Taking care of your patients, team, and family is more than a full-time job. Amongst all the busyness, it can be hard to find time or even remember to give yourself some time and attention. Look for opportunities where you can find even 5 minutes on your own for a check-in.

3. Prioritize your own health.
When you spend all day focusing on the health of your patients, it can mean that scheduling appointments for your own healthcare needs can take a back seat to everything else. This needs to change, so don’t delay and book all those routine exams that you need. 

4. Periods of rest during the day are critical to success.
The concept of oscillation describes how periods of high activity (mental and physical) need to be balanced with periods of low activity and rest so that you may function at your best. Intentionally create opportunities for moments of rest in your day. You will see the results reflected in your productivity and how you will feel much better at the end of a day than if you had worked at high intensity with no breaks. 

5. The feelings and emotions you experience behind your professional mask are completely normal.
Dental professionals are experts at maintaining an appearance that everything is great! To do this, we have a smile on our faces and a professional demeanor no matter what is going on behind the scenes. Because most dental professionals do this, it is rare to see someone who is having an openly bad day. That means that when we have a bad day, it can feel like we are the only person ever to have experienced what we are going through. Remember your feelings and emotions are completely normal. And everyone has days like this. We just don’t show it!

6. Being vulnerable is encouraged.
Share with colleagues, team members, friends, and family what you are dealing with and how it is impacting you. Being vulnerable can be scary at first, but when you find the support, understanding, and compassion of others, you will be pleased you opened up. It creates context to you as an individual and strengthens bonds with those who would otherwise be unaware of your challenges. 

7. You are more than your professional title.
Yes, you worked so hard to be where you are today, and your professional identity is extremely strong, but remember, you are a whole person. Many facets of your life make up who you are. Be proud of the other facets; having other priorities in your life in addition to dentistry is more than ok. It doesn’t make you any less of a dentist or hygienist because they are other equally important (or more important) parts of your life.

8. You need to eat lunch!
Skipping lunch is easy. The appointment runs over, there are phone calls to make, you do not have the energy to run out to buy something, or you need to deal with issues that crop up in the morning. Lunch is fuel. Put fuel into your system and choose high-quality fuel. You want to be at your best!

9. Take the day off when you’re sick.
Why do we turn up for work when we feel sick? Avoid disappointing our patients, having no space to rebook them, letting others down, or feeling judged. Put these thoughts out of your head. If you think you are sick enough to stay at home, then you are. Make the call and concentrate on recovering. 

10. You are incredible!
Remember, what you do is life-changing for your patients. Remember, you are also amazing for being a whole person. Family, friends, hobbies, your community, your mission, and purpose make you one fantastic human!

At The Mint Door, we support dentists and everyone on their teams. We have seen that dentistry does not need to feel as difficult and hard as it does for so many people. If you or anyone in your practice would benefit from support to be able to flourish in their professional role and in their personal life, we would love to chat. We love supporting the whole practice's success! 

Follow THIS LINK to schedule your complimentary 30-minute session. 

Heal the Hustle of Dental Office Stress

Unravel your Nervous System and Reclaim your Well-Being
Dr. Laura Schwindt

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity." 
- Sun Tzu

As dental professionals, you're accustomed to the fast-paced world of oral care, a domain where precision and empathy intertwine. But have you ever wondered how this daily hustle impacts your nervous system? The truth is, the relentless demands of a dental office can throw your nervous system into a perpetual fight-or-flight mode, leaving you drained and overwhelmed.

Fear not, for within the chaos lies the opportunity to regain control and serenity.

Absorbing Nature's Balm 
Step outside your clinic's walls and let nature's embrace soothe your nerves. Research shows that spending time in green spaces reduces stress and promotes emotional well-being. Just a few minutes of fresh air can be a powerful reset for your frazzled nervous system.

Breathe, Intentionally 
Amidst the whirlwind, don't forget to breathe. Inhale deeply, count to four, and exhale slowly to the count of six. Longer exhales trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, inviting calmness to take center stage.

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to 
choose our response."
-Viktor Frankl

Accept, Validate, Heal
Acknowledging your feelings isn't a sign of weakness—it's a testament to your strength. Embrace your emotions, validate them, and pave the way for healing. Remember, "Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do." (Brené Brown)

Cultivate Nourishing Connections 
Your colleagues aren't just co-workers but comrades on this dental journey. Cultivate connections that nurture your well-being. Shared laughter and understanding can work wonders in calming the nervous system.
Embrace Self-Compassion 
Be kind to yourself as you would to a patient. Self-compassion is a balm for your soul. "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." (Buddha)
Limit Screen Time 
Screens flood your mind with stimuli, further agitating your nervous system. Dedicate screen-free moments to unwind, read a book, or relish the silence.
Move Your Body 
Physical activity isn't just for fitness; it's a gift to your nervous system. A brisk walk, yoga, dancing, or even a few jumping jacks or squats can release pent-up stress and infuse you with fresh energy.
Nurture a Growth Mindset 
View challenges as stepping stones, not roadblocks. A growth mindset empowers you to adapt, learn, and evolve in the face of stress. Ask yourself, "What did I learn?" or "What will I do better next time?"

Embrace Love and Laughter 
As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. Surround yourself with moments of genuine joy and shared laughter, for they are potent antidotes to stress.

Your Personal Nervous System Regulation Toolkit 
Ready to reclaim control over your nervous system? Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and well-being together. Join us for a complimentary impact chat to craft your personalized Nervous System Regulation Toolkit. Let nature, breath, connections, self-compassion, movement, and laughter be your allies in this transformative voyage.

Remember, amidst the hustle and bustle, your well-being matters. It's time to unplug from stress and plug into serenity. 

Empowering Dental Teams

Navigating Gossip and Cultivating a Culture of Harmony

Dr. Karen Tindall
Creating a positive and harmonious work environment is crucial in any dental office. One challenge that often arises is gossiping among team members, which can undermine morale, trust, and overall teamwork. In this article, we'll delve into effective strategies and practical tips to reduce gossip, foster open communication, and cultivate a culture of respect and collaboration within your dental practice.

“By addressing this issue head-on, you can elevate your workplace dynamics and ensure that your focus remains on providing top-notch patient care."

In the dynamic world of dentistry, forging strong and cooperative relationships among team members is paramount. As dental professionals, we rely on seamless collaboration to ensure the highest quality patient care. However, the insidious presence of workplace gossip can erode the very foundation of these relationships. Gossip sows seeds of mistrust and division and distracts us from our core mission of delivering exceptional dental services. In an environment where precision and teamwork are of the essence, it's imperative to recognize the corrosive impact of gossip and take proactive steps to cultivate a culture that thrives on respect, support, and unity.
It is important to recognize that gossiping can originate from any team member, even the dentist can be to blame! The dental gossip triangle exists in every practice. In some dental offices, it is highly active; in others, it is waiting for someone to wake it up. In order to reduce gossiping it is important to know how to reduce the activity of the gossip triangle. 

Reducing gossip within a team involves creating a positive and respectful 
workplace culture. 

Here are some steps to consider:

1. Lead by Example: Leaders should model the behavior they want to see. Encourage open communication, respect, and professionalism.

2. Clear Communication: Foster transparent communication channels to address concerns and provide updates. When information is readily available, there's less room for speculation and gossip.

3. Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly outline team members' roles and responsibilities to prevent ambiguity or misunderstandings that might lead to gossip.

4. Encourage Openness: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing concerns or sharing information directly, reducing the need for gossip.

5. Conflict Resolution: Equip team members with conflict resolution skills to address issues openly and constructively, minimizing the need to discuss problems behind each other's backs.

6. Promote Team Bonding: Organize team-building activities that help strengthen relationships and foster a sense of camaraderie, reducing the desire for negative discussions.

7. Provide Feedback: Regularly provide feedback and recognition for team members' contributions. Positive reinforcement can boost morale and discourage negative behaviors.

8. Emphasize Professionalism: Reinforce the importance of maintaining professionalism in all in-person or online interactions.

9. Focus on Solutions: Encourage team members to bring forward problems along with potential solutions, redirecting energy towards problem-solving rather than gossiping.

10. Training, Workshops and Coaching: Offer training on effective communication, conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills to empower team members to handle situations positively. Coaching has a key role in dealing with and preventing gossiping. 

11. Set Expectations: Clearly communicate the organization's expectations regarding gossip and its impact on team dynamics.

12. Address Issues Promptly: If you notice gossip starting to spread, address it promptly and privately with those involved to prevent further escalation.

13. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate team and individual accomplishments to create a culture of positivity and mutual support.

Remember, building a healthy team environment takes time and commitment from all members. By cultivating an atmosphere of trust and respect, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of gossip within your team.
At The Mint Door, we specialize in supporting teams grappling with the challenges of gossip within their work environment. Understanding the detrimental effects of gossip on team dynamics, we employ a comprehensive approach that involves a blend of individual, sub-team, and whole-team coaching. Our tailored solutions are designed to address the unique needs of each dental practice, helping them navigate and rectify issues related to gossip.
Through individual coaching, we work closely with team members to foster self-awareness and develop effective communication skills. This empowers individuals to express their concerns openly and constructively, reducing the inclination to engage in gossip. Additionally, our sub-team coaching interventions target specific groups that might be particularly prone to gossip, facilitating better understanding and collaboration among team members.

However, our approach doesn't stop at the micro level. We recognize the importance of the entire practice working harmoniously, and our whole-team coaching strategies are geared towards achieving this overarching objective. By instilling a shared sense of purpose, emphasizing positive communication, and promoting a culture of mutual respect, we help practices create a noticeable shift in their practice culture.

At The Mint Door, we are dedicated to equipping dental practices with the tools and strategies they need to address gossip and create a workplace where open communication, professionalism, and teamwork flourish. Our holistic approach supports practices in achieving lasting transformations that lead to improved collaboration, enhanced patient care, and a more positive and productive work environment.

We invite you to join us for a complimentary Harmony Lunch and Learn session tailored to your practice. This session is designed to provide your team with valuable insights and strategies to foster a more harmonious and collaborative work environment. Our focus is solely on sharing knowledge and facilitating open discussions — no sales pitch or obligation is involved.

Our goal is to empower your team to navigate workplace challenges effectively and cultivate a culture of respect and collaboration.

To schedule your Harmony Lunch and Learn, simply reach out to us using this LINK or email We're excited to support your practice's journey towards increased harmony, improved teamwork and a more positive workplace dynamic.

Unlocking Your Team's Strengths

A Lesson from the Volleyball Bench!

Dr. Laura Schwindt
Join me on a journey back to high school, where I discovered the importance of recognizing and utilizing individual strengths. As a volleyball team member, I realized that simply staying in shape and maintaining a positive attitude wasn't enough.

Let's explore how harnessing your team's unique abilities can transform your dental practice and create a happier, more productive environment.

The Bench and Feeling Disconnected: Imagine the disappointment of sitting on the bench throughout your senior year, feeling underutilized and disconnected. This sense of not belonging can resonate in any professional setting, including dental practices. When team members aren't given the chance to showcase their strengths, they feel undervalued and unfulfilled.

Identifying Strengths: Just as my coach failed to recognize my talent for long-distance running and point me in the direction of the cross-country team, practice owners must take the time to understand their team member's strengths, skills, and interests. By engaging in open conversations and assessments, you can uncover hidden talents that can be valuable in different roles within your practice.

"When you discover your strengths and direct your talents toward an outcome that makes a difference, you've found your sweet spot." 
- Ken Coleman

Utilizing Strengths for Success: Once you've identified your team members' strengths, aligning them with the right roles and tasks is crucial. When individuals take on responsibilities that match their gifts, everyone thrives. Delegation becomes a tool for utilizing strengths and inspiring a sense of purpose and achievement.
Creating a Positive and Productive Environment: You cultivate a positive and productive environment by leveraging your team's strengths. Recognize and celebrate their contributions, encourage open communication, and foster a culture of growth. In this supportive and valued environment, everyone can reach new heights.

Conclusion: My experience on the volleyball team taught me the power of recognizing and utilizing individual strengths. As a practice owner, you have the ability to create an environment where your team can truly excel. By understanding their unique skills and assigning tasks that align with their strengths, you foster a happier, more fulfilled team. 

Remember, when each team member shines, your practice will soar to 
new heights of success.

Are you ready to unlock your team's potential and create a happier, more productive practice? 

Schedule a complimentary impact call with us today! Let's explore how we can support you in identifying and cultivating your team's unique strengths. Together, we can create an environment that inspires growth, engagement, and exceptional patient care.

Reach out to us today by emailing or drop us a message on Instagram, and we can get you on the right path for you and your practice to thrive.

Unlocking a Happier Dental Dream Team

Revitalize Your Practice for Unparalleled Success!

Dr. Karen Tindall

Are you a dedicated dentist who wears multiple hats to keep your practice running smoothly? 

We know how crucial it is to keep your patients smiling, but what about the members of your rockstar dental team? Striking the balance between patient care and team happiness can sometimes feel like a tightrope act, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. But fear not! In this blog post, we'll unveil practical strategies and pearls of wisdom to help you navigate the challenge of keeping your team motivated, fulfilled, and truly content. So, buckle up and get ready to create a harmonious dental dream team! 
As a dental practice owner, keeping your entire team happy can be quite a challenge. Numerous factors contribute to this difficulty, making it an ongoing endeavor. 

According to recent studies, only about 51% of employees report feeling satisfied with their jobs, with even fewer feeling 
truly fulfilled. 

Balancing the diverse needs, aspirations, and personalities of your team members adds another layer of complexity. Each individual has unique expectations, motivations, and work styles, making it crucial to find the right balance that caters to everyone's needs. Furthermore, external stressors, such as patient demands, industry changes, and time constraints, can further strain the delicate task of ensuring team happiness. Nevertheless, by recognizing these challenges and implementing effective strategies, dental practice owners can foster an environment where team members not only feel content but also thrive professionally and personally.

Constantly striving to keep team members happy in their jobs can inadvertently take a toll on you as a leader. While it's natural to prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of your team, solely focusing on their happiness can lead to neglecting your own needs and aspirations. The pressure to meet individual demands and expectations may leave you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and even burnt out. 

As a leader, it's essential to strike a balance between fostering a positive work environment and ensuring your own well-being. 

Remember, you are an integral part of the team too, and neglecting your own needs can undermine your ability to effectively lead and support others. By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and cultivating a supportive network, you can create a healthier dynamic where both your team members and you, as a leader, can thrive.

How to foster a positive team culture and environment for you and your team:

Encourage open communication: Create a safe and welcoming environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Actively listen to their feedback and address any issues promptly and constructively.

Promote teamwork and collaboration: Foster a sense of unity and cooperation among team members. Encourage them to work together, share knowledge, and support each other. Consider implementing team-building activities or regular meetings to strengthen relationships. The Mint Door In Person Team Days are perfect for bringing teams together. 

Recognize and appreciate achievements: Celebrate individual and team accomplishments, big or small. Recognize team members' hard work, dedication, and achievements through verbal praise, rewards, or appreciation events. This boosts morale and motivates everyone to strive for excellence.

Provide opportunities for professional growth: Invest in training, workshops, and continuing education to help team members enhance their skills and knowledge. Offer career development opportunities, such as mentorship programs or cross-training, to foster growth within the practice. Did you know that The Mint Door has a virtual on demand Well-Being Aware (WBA) program that provides 2 hours of accredited CE?
Foster a positive work-life balance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance by promoting flexible scheduling, allowing time off when needed, and supporting personal commitments. Encouraging self-care and well-being among team members contributes to their overall happiness and productivity. Our Practice Wellness Programs are a great way to develop a culture of whole person well-being in your team. 

Lead by example: Set the tone for a positive team culture by embodying the values and behaviors you wish to see in your team. Demonstrate respect, integrity, and professionalism in your interactions, and encourage others to do the same. Your leadership and attitude will inspire and influence the team.

Take heart! It is entirely possible to feel less burdened with the constant quest to keep your team happy, and you don't have to face this challenge alone. 

The Mint Door is here to guide you every step of the way. With our expertise in team dynamics and cultivating a positive work culture, we can support you in achieving a harmonious, thriving team. Imagine the relief of knowing that your team members are operating at their personal and professional best, with a shared sense of purpose and satisfaction. Together, let's create a dental practice where not only your patients leave with smiles but where your team members find joy and fulfillment in their work. 

Embrace the possibilities and let The Mint Door empower you to unlock a happier, more cohesive dental dream team.

Transform your health and wellness today by exploring more practice wellness options from The Mint Door!

Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Program:

Break free from your overwhelmed, overworked, overcritical, and overstressed life while you gain insight into how to break the burnout cycle and make changes that will have lasting impacts in your life!

Master the Art of Early Risers

Reclaim Your Morning Energy, Begin Your Day Recharged & Embrace More Daily Joy!

Dr. Laura Schwindt

Imagine if you could start your day more joyful and energized. 
Ready to tackle anything that comes your way and feel like you can conquer the world? 
That's the power of becoming an early riser - and I'm here to show you exactly how to do it!

Are you ready for me to share with you one of the most powerful ways to unlock more energy, joy, and success in life?  
Mastering the art of early rising. 
Hear me out because I promise by the end of this article, you'll be equipped with ALL the tools necessary to begin your day refreshed, inspired, and ready to take on your biggest goals. 
So, Stop Hitting the Snooze Button and Get Ready to Turn Your Mornings Into a Powerful Ally on your path to success!
Every woman dentist knows the importance of starting the day on the right foot. Those precious morning minutes hold the key to setting the tone for a successful and fulfilling day ahead. By incorporating a few simple tips into your routine, you can wake up easier and enjoy a few magical morning minutes to cultivate a great day. Get ready to unlock a few secrets to wake up easier and experience the incredible benefits it brings. Let's dive in!

"Awaken, beautiful soul, for the early morning whispers secrets to those who listen."

1. Curating a Good Night's Sleep: 
#DreamySlumber #SleepLikeAQueen
Creating the perfect sleep environment is essential for waking up feeling rejuvenated. Ensure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet to promote deep sleep. Invest in a comfortable mattress, cozy bedding, and soothing sleep-inducing scents like lavender. 

2. Regulated Sleep-Wake Cycle:
#SameTimeToBed #BedtimeAlarm
Consistent bedtimes can have an impact on the production of growth hormone. Growth hormone is primarily released during deep sleep in the early sleep cycle stages. Irregular sleep patterns, including inconsistent bedtimes, can disrupt the natural release of growth hormone during sleep. Growth hormone is essential as an adult for maintaining muscle mass and bone density, increasing energy and stamina, improving memory, enhancing mood, and supporting our immune system!

3. Digital Sunset: Unplug for Restful Nights: 
#DigitalDetox #SoothingSlumber
It's not just the blue light emitted by electronic devices that can disrupt your sleep patterns. Stimulation from the content you consume also plays a significant role in shaking up your brain before bed! Create a digital sunset at least one hour before bed, which means putting away smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Instead, indulge in calming activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques. Let your mind unwind and prepare for a peaceful slumber.
4. Sunset on Digestion: Don't Over Nourish Your Body Before Bed 
#HealthyNighttimeHabits #NutritionForSleep
Eating a heavy meal close to bedtime can interfere with your sleep quality. Aim to have your last meal, the "sunset," at least 2-3 hours before bed. Opt for light, nutritious options that promote rest, such as a small portion of lean protein, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables. Avoid caffeine, spicy foods, and large amounts of liquid to prevent disruptions during the night.

5. Embrace the Morning Sunlight: 
#RiseAndShine #SunKissedMornings
Expose yourself to natural sunlight within 1-2 hours of waking up. Sunlight viewing helps regulate your body's internal clock and boosts your mood and energy levels. Take a walk outside, do some light exercise, or enjoy your morning coffee basking in the morning glow. The gentle rays of sunshine will invigorate your senses and kick-start your day on a positive note.

6. The Science Behind Skipping the Snooze Button: 
#NoMoreSnooze #SeizeTheDay
Hitting the snooze button might seem tempting, but it can make you feel more groggy and lethargic. When you press snooze, you disrupt your sleep cycle and confuse your brain, causing 'sleep inertia.' Sleep inertia refers to a period of grogginess, confusion, and reduced alertness upon awakening. It can take a few minutes to a few hours to fully shake off sleep inertia, affecting cognitive performance, reaction time and leads to a sluggish start to your day. Try setting an alarm that makes waking up an enjoyable experience, such as gentle music or nature sounds, and give yourself an incentive to "Just Say No to the Snooze!" 

7. Hydration: Quench Your Morning Thirst: 
#MorningRefreshment #HydrateYourself
Start your day by hydrating your body. After a night of fasting, your body craves water to rehydrate and kick-start your metabolism. Keep a glass of water by your bedside, and drink it as soon as you wake up. Add a squeeze of lemon for a refreshing twist, or enjoy a cup of herbal tea. Hydration in the morning boosts your energy and supports overall well-being.
By incorporating these tips into your routine, you'll transform your ability to wake up easier and turn your mornings into magical moments filled with positivity, energy, and a sense of purpose. Prioritize quality sleep, embrace a digital sunset, nourish your body wisely, bask in the morning sunlight, ditch the snooze button, and hydrate to your heart's content. Wake up easier and set the stage for a phenomenal day ahead. Your journey to a magical morning starts now!

Remember, ladies, as women dentists, you have the power to shine both in your profession and in your personal life. Prioritizing self-care and a positive morning routine will make you unstoppable. Rise and shine, and let the magic unfold!

"Each morning, we are born again. What we do today matters most."

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and embrace a life of holistic success? 
It's time to reclaim your energy, reignite your passion, and achieve the ultimate harmony in your personal and professional life!

If you're a driven woman in dentistry who's seeking a transformative journey, then I invite you to take action today.

Schedule your Complimentary Impact Chat today and take the first step towards a life of whole-person success.
Remember, your journey to reclaiming your energy begins with a single decision. Embrace the opportunity and empower yourself to thrive!

Reach out for a conversation without obligation, and let's ensure your health so you can continue caring for others.

Send us an email:
Schedule a complimentary impact chat: 

The Guilt Trap

Understanding the True Nature of Guilt to Reduce How Guilty You Feel

Dr. Karen Tindall
So many things have the potential to make us feel guilty. It can seem that something jumps out around every corner of our life, and “Bam!”, the familiar, uncomfortable, and uneasy feeling of guilt creeps in. Perhaps you are a parent who feels bad that because you work long days, your children need to go to summer clubs when other children are at home having downtime and outings with their families. Maybe you feel guilty that you could not help your patients more than was possible. It can seem impossible to hide from!

Until last week I believed that there are endless reasons why people feel guilty. However, my eyes and ears were opened as I listened to an episode of Glennon Doyle’s podcast We Can Do Hard Things titled "How to Lose Half of Your Guilt". As a fan of the podcast and the alluring title of this episode, I set out to learn how to unburden myself and our Mint Door clients of their guilt. 

With insights from the hugely popular clinical psychologist Dr. Becky Kennedy, founder of Good Inside, I discovered how to let go of at least half of my guilt. Let me share what I learned. 

There is a wide misunderstanding of the term “guilt,” and because of that, we are allocating the feeling of guilt onto ourselves when there is a better explanation and definition. 

Guilt is what happens inside of us when we act outside of our values.

Let’s take my earlier example of feeling guilty when we cannot help our patients as much as we would like. We want to be the best doctor, and yet sometimes, there are times when we simply cannot make everything perfect for our patients. We can see and sense their disappointment. So we feel bad and experience discomfort we would previously label as guilt. Now we can analyze this situation by taking into account Dr. Becky’s definition of guilt. Did we act outside of our values? Of course, we did not. We were honest, did our best, explained everything thoroughly, and empathized with them. All our values were upheld, so this is “not guilt,” as described by Dr. Becky. 

Not Guilt is the discomfort of what you feel when you act outside of external and cultural pressures or values. 

For my example above, society’s and the patient’s expectation is that, as doctors, we heal and make people better. When we cannot do that, we appear to fail to help the patient when in fact, we did our very best, and perfection may not have ever been a possibility. We need not assign this feeling as guilt. 

After finishing the episode, I set about exploring situations where I previously felt guilt and was easily able to find many examples where I had misunderstood what guilt is. It will take time to reverse a lifetime of misinterpreting guilt, but here are a few simple steps to take next time you feel that familiar ‘guilty’ feeling.

"Guilt is always hungry, don't let it consume you." 
–Terri Guillements

Next time you assume you are feeling guilty:

1. Pause and take a deep breath.
2. Ask yourself if you acted outside of your own values.
3. Ask yourself if you acted outside of cultural or external values. 
4. When you have these answers, you will know if what you are feeling is really guilt. 
5. If you are feeling “not guilt,” it is time to let go of the discomfort and move on free from the burden. 

The Mint Door offers the Unburden to Flourish workshop specifically designed for people who are feeling the burden of a full and busy life (guilt included). It addresses how to reduce the mental, emotional, and physical load you carry so you will leave feeling free of the heavy weight you experience. 

Follow this link for more details. 

10 Simple and Free Practices for Building Resilience to Stress  

Enhancing Mental Well-being in Dentistry

Dr. Laura Schwindt 
Introduction: Being a woman in dentistry can be rewarding, but it also comes with its fair share of stress. The demands of patients, long hours, and the pressure to excel can take a toll on your mental well-being. Thankfully, there are simple and cost-effective ways to build resilience and enhance your mental health. This article will explore ten practices to help you navigate stress and find inner peace without spending a dime. Let's dive in!
1. Embrace the Cold Shower Challenge:
#RefreshYourMind #ColdShowerRevival
Starting your day with a cold shower may seem daunting, but it has numerous benefits. The cold water stimulates your body, boosts circulation, and increases alertness. Embracing the challenge will awaken your senses, boost your immune system and help you face the day with renewed energy and resilience.

2. Humming: Find Your Inner Melody:
#HarmonyWithin #HummingZen
Humming is a simple yet powerful technique to calm your mind. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and let out a gentle hum. Focus on the vibrations in your body and the soothing sensation it brings. This practice can help release tension, stimulate the Vagus nerve, and bring a sense of tranquility.

3. Tune In to Nature's Symphony:
#NatureHeals #BirdsongMagic
Take a moment to pause and listen to the birds sing. Their melodies are calming and can transport you to a peaceful state of mind. Whether in your backyard, listening through an open window, or in a nearby park, connecting with nature's symphony can be a soothing balm for your soul.

4. Breathe with Intention:
#ConsciousBreathing #MindfulMoments
Intentional breathing is a powerful tool for managing stress. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly. As you focus on your breath, you'll bring your mind into the present moment, easing anxiety and promoting mental clarity.
5. Practice Gratitude:
#AttitudeOfGratitude #ThankfulEveryday
Amid a busy day, take a moment to say "thank you" to everything around you. Express gratitude for the tools you use, the skills you've acquired, and the patients you serve. Cultivating a grateful mindset can shift your perspective and bring a sense of fulfillment to your work.

6. Gargling: A Surprisingly Relaxing Ritual:
#GargleAndLetGo #RelaxationRituals
Gargling with water is a simple yet effective stress-relieving practice. Close the door to your office, fill a cup with water, and let the refreshing swish of gargling wash away the tension. This short ritual can provide an instant sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

7. Savor the Beauty of Sunrise or Sunset:
#naturebasedsolutions #SunriseSerenity
Make time to witness the breathtaking beauty of a sunrise or sunset. Step outside or find a vantage point near a window. As the sky transforms with vibrant hues, allow yourself to be fully present at the moment, soaking in the awe-inspiring majesty of nature.

8. Playful Moments with Your Furry Friend:
#JoyfulPaws #DoggyTherapy
Your dog can be an incredible source of joy and stress relief. Take a break and engage in a playful moment with your furry friend. Toss a toy, play a quick fetch game, or enjoy snuggle time. These moments of connection can boost your mood and enhance your overall well-being.
9. Take a Mindful Walk:
#WalkingMeditation #StepIntoCalm
Step away from your desk and take a mindful walk. Observe the world around you—the sights, sounds, and sensations. Allow your mind to quiet as you focus on the rhythm of your steps. Walking mindfully can reduce stress, increase focus, and provide a much-needed break in your day.

10. Stretch and Squat for Mind-Body Balance:
#FlexibilityIsStrength #SquatAndStretch
Take a moment to stretch and squat, promoting physical and mental well-being. Gently stretch your neck, shoulders, and back to release tension built up during the day. Squatting can improve circulation and flexibility while simultaneously grounding your mind and body.
Conclusion: As a woman in dentistry, prioritizing your mental well-being is essential. Incorporating these simple and cost-free practices into your daily routine can build resilience, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself allows you to provide the best care for your patients. Embrace these practices, and watch how they positively transform your professional and personal life.

"Resilience is not about being invincible, but about learning how to bounce back and thrive." 
- Unknown

So, go ahead and take that cold shower, hum your favorite tune, and embrace the beauty of nature. Your mental well-being matters and these practices will help you find the balance you deserve in your life as a woman in dentistry.

Reach out for a conversation without obligation, and let's ensure your health so you can continue caring for others.

Send us an email:
Schedule a complimentary impact chat: 

Don't Let Dentistry Decay Your Wellbeing

A Call to Address Burnout in Dentistry

Dr. Laura Schwindt and Dr. Karen Tindall

Introduction: The dental profession is no stranger to burnout, and recent trends have shown an alarming increase in associates experiencing this debilitating condition. Despite the prevalence of burnout, many dentists suffer in silence, hesitant to seek the support they desperately need. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on this issue and explore the reasons behind this hesitance. Moreover, we will emphasize the importance of fostering a supportive community that understands and values dental professionals' unique challenges. Together, let's work towards preventing and addressing burnout in dentistry.

Understanding Burnout: Burnout is not just a fleeting feeling of stress or overwhelm; it is a state of complete exhaustion that affects one's mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It results from prolonged exposure to excessive stressors and can manifest as a lack of motivation, hopelessness, and a significant decline in overall energy levels.

Recognizing the Signs:
Identifying the signs and symptoms of burnout is crucial in addressing it effectively. Some common indicators include: 
    *Chronic stress
    *Lack of joy
    *Compassion fatigue
    *Low confidence
    *Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
    *Lack of support from colleagues and team members
    *Limited autonomy over schedules, workload, and decisions
    *Isolation from a supportive community
    *Absence of a trusted mentor
    *Professional stoicism prevents open discussion of feelings
    *Poor self-care and lack of boundaries with personal wellbeing
    *Heavy and stressful non-stop workload
    *Decreased confidence
    *Diminished energy to enjoy activities and relationships outside of work
    *Living and practicing far away from family and friends
    *The financial burden of student loans and/or practice ownership
    *Chronic pain
    *Dealing with or witnessing team conflict
    *Taking on and carrying the energy of stressed patients

It is important to remember that burnout is an individual experience, 
and each person's threshold may vary.

However, there are general stages as one progresses to burnout.

Surface demineralization: Phase 1
You have a subtle discontent without an awareness of a problem. You may know something is wrong but can't get the probe to stick. You think this is just how it is as a practicing dentist.

Enamel Decay: Phase 2
You have increasing feelings of discomfort. You start to have more unsettling thoughts and emotions. You begin to have repetitive negative thought patterns alerting you that something is off balance. Subconsciously, your brain is trying to work out how to deal with chronic stress. You start to look outside yourself for an explanation and blame other people or situations for your pain.

Invasion of Dentin: Phase 3
Due to feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety, you can no longer ignore the pain. You search for ways to anesthetize what you feel (Sugar, substances, electronic distractions, procrastination, distancing, avoiding, isolating). You may be on a treadmill of cycles of hyperactivity followed by complete exhaustion. 

Decayed Pulp and Extreme Pain: Phase 4
Restless exhaustion begins to take hold of your everyday experience of life. You begin to feel intense emotions and physical sensations. You may be searching for medical evidence for why you feel this way and not be getting any clear answers. Even when you have time to rest, you cannot switch off and constantly feel enervated. 

Abscess and Distress: Phase 5
Due to the constant insult of chronic stress, your body can no longer cope and may display signs of physical disease. In addition, your mind races, and you cannot slow it down for any moment of peace. Your body may completely shut down, or uncontrollable panic attacks may plague your mind.

Similar to treating dental decay, addressing burnout is more straightforward in its early stages, and with proactive care, you can prevent it altogether.

Challenges Faced by Associates: 
Associates often face unique stresses, despite the misconception that their role is less demanding. Limited mentorship and support can contribute to their burnout, and the perception that they are "only an associate" can prevent them from seeking help. Fear of being replaced or deemed incapable further exacerbates their hesitance to address their burnout. To combat this, colleagues and practice owners must acknowledge and validate associates' experiences and provide the required support.

Creating a Supportive Community: Rather than comparing and belittling each other's struggles, fostering a caring and understanding community within the dental profession is essential. Burnout should not be a competition, nor should one's worth be determined by their role within a practice. By creating an environment that values empathy, inclusivity, and support, we can encourage dentists to seek help without shame or feelings of inadequacy.

Taking Action

If you are an associate experiencing burnout, take these four steps:
1. Reach out to someone you trust and share your feelings.
2. Prioritize the fundamentals of proper sleep, nutrition and movement so you can operate from a foundation of wellbeing
3. Reframe your mindset and reevaluate or refresh your values.
4. Seek professional support, such as life coaching with The Mint Door, which specializes in helping individuals experiencing burnout.

For practice owners facing burnout:
Follow the same four steps mentioned above. 
Additionally, communicate openly with trusted team members and share the values and boundaries you need to put in place to recover from burnout.

If you notice an associate on the path to burnout, consider these three steps:
1. Show empathy and compassion towards their struggles.
2. Ask them what they need and how you can support them.
3. Be approachable and understanding, avoiding judgment or comparisons to your own experiences as a practice owner.


Addressing burnout in dentistry requires a collective effort from all profession members. Associates and practice owners alike must acknowledge and support each other's struggles. 

By breaking the silence surrounding burnout, reframing our mindset, prioritizing self-care, and seeking professional assistance when needed, we can ensure the overall wellbeing of dental professionals and create a healthier, more supportive dental community. 

Remember, your wellbeing matters, and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Take the first step towards addressing burnout and prioritizing your wellbeing in dentistry. Whether you're an associate, a team member, or a practice owner, wherever you are along the burnout continuum, Karen and Laura from The Mint Door are here to support you. As experienced dentists and certified life coaches, they have dedicated their work to helping dental professionals like you. 

Reach out for a conversation without obligation, and let's ensure your health so you can continue caring for others.

Send us an email:
OR Schedule a complimentary impact chat: 

The Essential Power of "Shutting Down" 

Strategies for Dentists to Avoid Burnout

Dr. Laura Schwindt

Working in the dental field can be hectic. All day you perform complex procedures that require focus and attention to detail. You likely deal with several patients daily, leaving you feeling drained and exhausted. The truth is, just like athletes who take time to cool down after a workout, dental professionals also need to take a break and shut down at the end of a long day in the clinic. In this blog post, we'll explore why shutting down is essential for dental professionals and why taking breaks is a simple technique to prevent burnout.

The Unspoken Downsides to Always Being "On"

As dental professionals, you understand the high intensity of a typical day. You are constantly "on" during a typical day working in a dental office, juggling multiple patients, managing complex procedures, and making critical decisions that require your full attention and expertise.

When you are always "on," you don't allow yourself a moment to rest and recharge. Like a high-intensity workout without any breaks, this can lead to burnout, manifesting as physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. 

Just like taking breaks between high-intensity workout sets helps prevent injury and improves flexibility, pausing and shutting down at the end of the day can help prevent burnout and increase your ability to focus and perform well the next day. 

The Power of Shutting Down: 
How Taking a Break Can Boost Your Productivity and Well-Being.

1. Helps reduce stress levels: Just like resting or cooling down after a workout, pausing during the day and shutting down at the end of the day can help calm your mind and reduce stress. Stress can impact your health, leading to burnout, anxiety, and depression. Taking time to relax and unwind can promote better mental health and well-being.
2. Increases productivity: Shutting down at the end of the day can help prevent burnout and increase our ability to focus and perform well the next day. When you recover well, you will have more energy, be more productive, make fewer mistakes, and communicate better with your patients and team.
3. Promotes better sleep: Taking time to shut down at the end of the day can also help promote better sleep, which is essential for overall health and well-being. A quality night of sleep helps you feel refreshed and better able to tackle the day's challenges. 

Relax, Recharge, and Rejuvenate: 
Ways to Decompress and Unwind 

End-of-Day Ritual: create a routine that signals your brain it is time to relax. Consider shutting down your computer, tidying your desk, or making a To-Do list for the next day.
Digital Sunset: shut off your phone and other electronics an hour before bed.
Nutritional Sunset: avoid eating too close to bedtime so your body can focus on sleeping instead of digesting.
Calming Activities: read a book, take a bath, dim the lights, write in your journal, or engage in yoga or meditation. 

Taking this time to decompress and unwind before bed can help you get a better night's sleep allowing you to wake up more rested and calm. Entering the day with a clear head will improve productivity and ensure better interactions with your loved ones, team, and patients. 

Beyond Vacations: 
Why Pausing During the Day is Essential for Your Health and Well-Being.

Finally, taking time off and recharging your batteries is essential. While taking a break, going on vacation, or taking a day off to recharge and rejuvenate is critical, it's also vital to incorporate moments of downtime throughout the day. Creating moments of pause between patients, after complicated procedures, or before lunch can allow your mind, body, and spirit to rejuvenate. 

Simple Ways to Pause:
Go to the restroom
Get a drink of water or tea and enjoy drinking it slowly
Go outside and breathe some fresh air
Get a healthy snack-eat it mindfully
Soften your focus and look out at the horizon
Close your eyes. Breathe. Meditate. Rub your temples
Do some simple yoga
Do a mindless task
Perform a Random Act of Kindness
Put some lotion or essential oils on your hands and rub them and inhale deeply

As dental professionals, we are dedicated to our patient's care, but we also need to take care of ourselves. By being mindful of the unspoken downsides to always being "on," you can prioritize your health and well-being, leading to more joy and less burnout.

In conclusion, just like cooling down after a workout is essential for our physical health, shutting down at the end of a busy day in the clinic is vital for our mental and emotional well-being. Taking time to disconnect from work, relax, and unwind can help reduce stress levels, prevent burnout, and promote better sleep. 

As a dental professional, it's essential to prioritize your health and well-being. How you take care of yourself impacts how you take care of your loved ones, team members, and your patients. By pausing throughout the day and shutting down at the end, you can reduce stress levels, prevent burnout, and improve your overall well-being. But this is just the beginning. To truly thrive as a dentist, you must continually explore more ways to prioritize your health and wellness. 

Transform your health and wellness today by exploring more practice wellness options from The Mint Door!

Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Program:

Break free from your overwhelmed, overworked, overcritical, and overstressed life while you gain insight into how to break the burnout cycle and make changes that will have lasting impacts in your life!

When the Solution to Your Overload and Overwhelm IS NOT

Another Webinar!

Dr. Karen Tindall

The modern woman in dentistry is a skilled practitioner, a business owner, a leader, a wife, a mother, a friend, and so much more. But with all her many roles and responsibilities comes a heavy mental load that can leave her feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. The demands of running a successful dental practice while juggling personal obligations can take a toll on her mental and emotional well-being, leaving her feeling drained and struggling to keep up. 
In this fast-paced world, it's crucial that we recognize the unique challenges faced by women in dentistry and work to support them in managing their mental, emotional and physical load so they can continue to thrive personally and professionally.
Traditional webinars have been a popular way for dental professionals to learn and stay up-to-date on industry trends and developments. However, these webinars often require a significant time commitment, which can be difficult to manage when other pressing priorities exist. Attending a traditional webinar usually means dedicating a specific block of time to sit in front of a computer and listen to a speaker, often for a few hours or more!
This can be challenging for busy women who may have other responsibilities that cannot wait. 

Additionally, many webinars are scheduled during working hours, which can further disrupt a busy schedule. With the rise of on-demand and flexible learning options, traditional webinars may no longer be the most efficient time for professionals who must balance multiple priorities.

If you're looking for a way to stay up-to-date on industry developments without sacrificing precious time, The Mint Door has an innovative solution that can help. 

The Unburden to Flourish "Un" Webinar Experience is a game-changing approach to professional development that addresses common reservations about traditional webinars. Unlike traditional webinars that require you to carve out a specific block of time, this experience is designed to fit seamlessly into your life, allowing you to learn and grow at your own pace. With The Mint Door's UnWebinar Experience, you can say goodbye to rigid schedules and hello to flexible, on-demand learning that gets results. The Mint Door's UnWebinar Experience can help you unburden your day-to-day and flourish in your life.

The "Un" Webinar is a unique and flexible approach to personal development that offers a range of benefits. 

Here's how it works:
*Five on-demand videos: Over five weeks, participants will have access to five pre-recorded videos that are 15-25 minutes long. These videos will be released every Monday and can be watched at the participant's convenience. This format allows participants to pause the video, take notes, and re-listen to important points as needed.
*Optional live office hour sessions: In addition to the on-demand videos, participants can join two live 1-hour office hour sessions each week. These sessions are designed to offer support and answer any questions that participants may have. They also provide a chance to dive deeper into certain topics of interest and connect with other like-minded women.
Overall, the "UnWebinar” is a flexible and engaging way to learn and grow as a whole person, not just a woman in dentistry. With a combination of on-demand videos and live sessions, participants can tailor the experience to their schedule and needs while still receiving the support and guidance they need to succeed.

Break the Burnout Cycle!
Are you ready for a transformation? 

Unburden to Flourish the “Un” Webinar

When: Starts June 12, 2023

Break free from your overwhelmed, overworked, overcritical, and overstressed life while you gain insight into how to break the burnout cycle and make changes that will have lasting impacts in your life!

Are Your Friends

Good for You?

Dr. Karen Tindall

Do you like to have a small number of very close friends or be part of a larger group (or what Taylor Swift would refer to as her squad)? Whichever of those options you prefer, I’m sure that over a lifetime, you will have had some great friends and some not-so-good relationships. 

Female friendships can be the most supportive and nurturing relationships, yet some can be energy-zapping and simply toxic. There are times in our lives when it’s easy to make friends and when finding new friends can be challenging. 

Consider how your friends make you feel.

Friendships can be classified into one of three groups.
1. Friends who give their time and love for you and receive your time and love. These are the friends who you want to keep. The conversation goes deeper and is free-flowing two-way communication. These friends care for you, and you care for them. The bottom line is that they make you feel valued and important.

2. Friends who are entertaining to spend time with and you can have fun with but something is missing to take it to a deeper level. These friends may be ’situational’. You work with them, you chat at school pick up or you’re maybe in the same yoga class. It can be nice to spend time with these people, but if they or you were to move, would you remain friends?

3. Toxic friends are the people who take your energy and good feeling and leave you depleted. Some people can be unintentionally toxic, while others may be fully aware of their actions. Anyone who leaves you feeling less than fit in this category. You do not need to be with these folks. 

For positive friendships, make sure they fit into either group 1 or 2. Most people have a combination of the two. Any ‘friend’ in group 3 does not need to be someone you spend time with. As we mature, it is easier to understand who our people are. Everyone has lost or let go of friendships along the way. Some we regret, and some we can be proud that we chose to step back from.

We are happy when we have good friends because we align with each other. If something is feeling off in your friendships, consider which of the three groups your friendships would fit into. Remember looking after number 1 is vital. Protect your energy, and you will thrive. 

If you are looking for friends, know that every friendship starts by simply saying hello. Putting yourself out there can be scary. The feeling of your heart beating in your chest as you make the first move to say hi can make you doubt yourself. Do not let that feeling sabotage a potential friendship. Take that step, be brave and make the first move. 

Every friendship started off as two strangers meeting!

If you are keen to learn more ways to feel less burdened by friendship troubles join The Mint Door for our most popular virtual workshop: 
When: January 19, 2023 at 7pm EST 
Where: Zoom Virtual Room
Link to Register: 

This workshop will definitely leave you feeling more calm, lighter and unburdened. 

How Can 

One Size Fit All?

Dr. Karen Tindall

The concept that one product, piece of clothing, educational approach or idea will be universally suitable and successful is unfortunately flawed. While we can all agree if something worked perfectly for everyone it would be incredible but wouldn’t it also be a miracle?

Diversity is all around us and when we choose to embrace the differences we see around us we can lead more fulfilled and complete lives. By recognizing the differences and linking our similarities we can create opportunities where flourishing is second nature. 

At The Mint Door, we frequently use one of my favorite words, bespoke. A couple of years ago I sent a text to at least ten people to help me with my research and I asked them if they knew what I meant when using the term bespoke in relation to my coaching offerings. Not many did. I was told the world was “old fashioned”, “too English that Americans wouldn’t get it” and “perhaps it’s better used for a tailor who makes custom clothing!” 

Now, these people were not wrong. The Merriam Webster Dictionary wrote an article on exactly these meanings. However, I had a strong belief that bespoke really was the word that best described how coaching should be for every individual who receives it. 

Laura in her role as best business partner and advocate, immediately adopted the word bespoke. She saw my passion for the word and understood the importance of creating interactions, opportunities, and coaching that is tailored to the individual who is receiving it. As much as we can all attempt to wear the same one size fits all freebie t-shirt we all will not look good in it! 

The Mint Door definition of bespoke was created and here is how we use it!

The keystone of our bespoke service is to really listen to what our clients are telling us. We believe that every single doctor, practice, and clinic is unique. We devote time to discovering and understanding who they are and who they want to be. 

We intentionally create and develop an approach, program, and plan that aligns with their goals and dreams. We are passionate that this means all our clients benefit from an exceptional quality of service that by definition is exclusive to them. 

Bespoke cannot happen when we decide what works best. It is a co-creative process that evolves and grows as our relationship does with the practices we work with. No two practices will ever have the same program. That will never be successful. Our Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Programs are as unique as fingerprints. 

If you are intrigued as to what it feels like to have a bespoke Practice Wellness Program and how it will benefit your practice and your team it is easy to get started. 

We have a one-hour complimentary virtual lunch and learn style Harmony Workshop for you to experience. We promise that this is a no-sales zone and there is no obligation whatsoever. We simply want to show you the incredible potential of practice wellness and leave you and your team with a simple and actionable plan to have more harmony every single day. 

To reserve your Harmony workshop click HERE:

Squeezed for Time?

Life in healthcare is undeniably busy

Dr. Karen Tindall

“We have all the time in the world” sang Louis Armstrong in 1969 for the song that was used for the soundtrack to the James Bond movie On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. If only those words felt like reality!

According to a Gallup poll sixty-one percent of women younger than age 50 report not having enough time, compared with 48% of younger men who say the same. There is almost no gender difference in perceived time pressure between men and women aged 50 and older. This statistic is from the general population but it can only be speculated that the proportion of people in medicine and dentistry who feel they do not have enough time is even greater. 

Life in healthcare is undeniably busy. Tight schedules, unforeseen circumstances and our desire to do the very best for our patients. Then add in all the personal commitments and family needs and there is very little time to play with. 

Feeling under time pressure is stressful and leads to us being less efficient in the long run. Too much to do and too little time to do it in is not a desirable combination. So what can we do to improve things?

Creating time boundaries 

Time is valuable and implementing protective measures to ensure that it is being used wisely and in line with your values is essential. These boundaries need to be in place in every aspect of your life as time is a critical factor at home, work and socially. To set successful time boundaries you need to understand your priorities and establish what is important. The time boundaries that you create will prevent you from overcommitting and feeling under pressure less often. It does take practice and a little confidence but you can do it!

Examples of helpful time boundaries include:

“I can’t be there on this occasion because I already have a commitment.”

“Thank you for asking me but I already have plans for that day.”

“We have a rule that Sunday afternoons are for family, so unfortunately I cannot attend.”

“This doesn’t align with my goals right now but I can suggest someone who may be interested.”

“I can definitely come along but I can only stay for the first hour.”

Be clear in your own mind about what it is you need. 

Consider these three thoughts when someone asks you for your time:

1. It is flattering to be asked. It means that the person who is requesting sees you as capable.
2. Will doing this task bring you joy or be advantageous to you?
3. What will you have to not do in order to do this one thing?

It is always acceptable to decline when you know your boundaries. Be polite, express gratitude for thinking of you and be clear that you cannot accept. The first time you use these boundaries I guarantee that you will feel empowered and revel in the fact that your day is less time stressed. 

If you are keen to learn more ways to feel good about your time and feel less burdened by all your responsibilities join The Mint Door for our most popular virtual workshop: 
When: September 7th 2022 at 7pm EST 
Where: Zoom Virtual Room

This workshop will definitely leave you feeling more calm, lighter and unburdened. 

I'll Do It After

After is not always easier or better...

Dr. Karen Tindall

I’ll do it after…

I’ll do it after the summer, after the holidays, after the winter, after the weekend, after, after, after.

There always seems to be a reason to put things off for a time when it feels that it will be easier, there will be more time or you’ll have less on your plate. Making life simple can feel like a struggle when there is so much going on and in our pursuit of a less stressed lifestyle we can become master procrastinators but on a big scale that can impact the bigger picture. 

The problem is that after is not always better or easier. Parents are older, children grow up and teenagers develop their need for independence. In what can seem like the blink of an eye, missed opportunities are scattered behind us as we continue in our quest for simplicity. 

Likely, there is never the right time to implement a new idea at work. It is difficult to find the most convenient time to redecorate the house. Trying to organize a family get-together, well there, is a Herculean task. Plans and ideas like these get put off for another time, but also consider what else you are delaying and missing out on. A more leisurely day because your team at work works more efficiently, the delight you have in loving your new color scheme in your living room, and the joy of having the generations of your family sharing stories and memories. 

Perhaps you use the I’ll do it after technique to avoid doing the things you don’t enjoy doing so much. Your annual health check, the car service, getting the tax done. I’m sure you’ll agree that the tasks that fit into this category are all better done sooner than later. Emergency car repairs and last-minute tax preparation are no fun at all. 

Why not try these three ways to swap, I’ll do it after to I’ll do it now?

1. Anything on your to-do list that you have total control over and can be achieved without any support, get it done today or tomorrow. 

Things that fit here are the appointments you need to make, the small tasks around the house, phone calls etc. 

2. Establish which ideas and tasks you need support with. 

Identify who will assist or work with you to make your idea real. Together create a timeline and hold each other accountable. Working on something with someone else is more fun and can increase the chances of seeing it through.

3. Put far-off plans on a calendar

Talk of a family reunion next year can be turned into a date on the calendar. The same can be done for a vacation with long-distance friends. Once dates make it onto a calendar they become much more likely to happen. So to turn your vision into a reality, get it on everyone’s schedules. 

I’ll do it after very often, never happens at all. Changing your perspective from procrastinating to proactive will mean the new ideas will come to fruition, you will get to share coffee with friends you’ve not seen in ages and spend precious time with loved ones (even better if you can do that on a beach in the Caribbean!)

Go forth and take action. What’s the first thing you’re going to do?

If you are looking to make the most out of your time and find time to do the things you enjoy with the people you love, our exclusive members’ club at The Mint Door provides you with the inspiration, ideas, and motivation to make the changes that will propel you forwards to the life you want and need. 
Follow the link to join as a member today and join a fabulous community of women doctors who want the same as you! 
Find out more about The Mint Door Membership HERE:

Open the Door to Employee Engagement

Become the Practice Everyone Wants to Work At

Dr. Laura Schwindt

Sensational teams know that culture is a valuable key to unlocking success. Bonds become strong when team members feel safe, valued, empowered, and aligned.

The leader is critical in setting the stage for a safe environment, contributing direction, and providing resources—one crucial virtue that drives the emotional motor to increased productivity and profitability; is hope. 

The definition of hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a sure thing to happen, a sense of trust.

When your team has hope, it increases awareness of purpose, collaboration, and success. 

In the book, Making Hope Happen, Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D., tells us that if a leader doesn't inspire hope, only 1% of your team will be engaged in your mission! 

On the other hand, when there is a healthy amount of hope, the engagement increases to 69%!

As a leader, you can inspire hope by implementing three essential components into your mission. Rick Snyder was the founder of research into the science of hope, and he defined the three components: 

You have a project and a future to be excited about, believing that the future will be better than the present.

You embody agency, a sense of personal power that creates certainty that you can accomplish your goal despite obstacles.

You can map out several different plans and paths to achieve your goal. You accept your first plan may not work out perfectly and are open to taking other paths to reach your goal. 

Unlocking the power of hope within a practice is one of the cornerstones of the Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Program. 

Bringing their expertise as dentists and professional life coaches, Dr. Karen and Dr. Laura support the leaders of the practice with a bespoke program that focuses on each team member's total wellbeing. 

The Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Program creates a custom combination of 1:1 coaching, group coaching, virtual and in-person workshops catered to the practice's specific needs. Doing this helps the leadership keep a close connection to their team so they can focus on their roles as primary clinician and owner. 

Encouraging teammates to lift up their co-workers and support the overall hope of the practice becomes a reality when each team member feels like the leadership values their whole-person wellbeing. 

A team whose wellbeing is being looked after and cultivated is the best way to energize your practice with high-hope and consistent engagement. You, your practice, your team and your patients deserve a brighter and more productive tomorrow!

To learn more about the Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Program visit:
Schedule a complimentary Team Harmony Lunch and Learn here:

5 Ways to Explain the Mental Load You Carry

Is it getting too heavy?

Dr. Karen Tindall

Mental load cannot be seen, quantified or felt by anyone but the person who experiences it. This makes it difficult to understand and hard for others to appreciate. It leads to a feeling of being weighed down, underappreciated and overwhelmed. Together these feelings can create a situation where the person who is experiencing the heavy mental load feels alone, frustrated and that the burden for everything lies with them. 

Mental load is most commonly felt by the person in a relationship who identifies as a woman. It’s a distinctly woman related phenomenon even within the workplace. The simplest way to define it is always being the one to remember. 

When trying to explain mental load to others it can appear as nagging or complaining, which are frequently met with the phrases, “You should have asked for help” or “Just tell me what to do.” The vast majority of well meaning people who say these sentences really do mean well but do not realise that neither option relieves the mental load. 

Here are five ways to explain your mental load when you want someone to understand so you can begin to lighten it. 

Mental load is made up with:

Planning - what is for dinner, grocery lists, who needs to be where and when, trips and travel. Add your own ideas here…
Remembering - feeding pets (and children!), getting the mail in, sweeping the floor, completing tax returns, taking the trash out. Add your own ideas here …
Awareness - the new stain on the carpet that needs attention, the outdoor lightbulb that went out, the blocked drain, the laundry pile that just gets larger! Add some things in here that only you notice…
Responsibilities - being the one who gives the dog his flea and tick medicine, who cleans the bathrooms, who makes sure the children have clean clothes, who has an awareness of how much toilet paper is in the house! Add in some of your responsibilities…
Manager tasks - booking hair appointments, arranging the lawn care service, reminding your partner there’s a school sports game tonight. Add in some things that you oversee and manage…

A word of caution as you bring this conversation up. It is an emotional subject and conversations could be seen as confrontational topic if you charge in like a bull in a china shop. It is very possible that your partner may feel that they are being shown everything they do not do and where they are lacking. 

Approach this conversation from a perspective of how you want to improve life for the both of you. After all, when your mental load is lessened you will have more space for joy. This is all about creating a way of life that works for you both. This is a partnership and you can create solutions together. 

The solution needs to be fair but as all relationships are different it does not have to be equal. Do what works for the both of you and enjoy the relief of a lightened mental load. 

"UNBURDEN: The Workshop to Lighten Your Mental Load"
WHEN: Wednesday September 7, 2022
TIME: 7 pm EST
WHERE: Virtual Zoom!

Bedtime Procrastinator

Getting Revenge on Your Busy Day!

Dr. Karen Tindall
It’s 9.05pm and after a busy day at work I am sitting on the sofa scrolling through the Netflix menu searching for something to watch. Despite there being more choices than it would ever be humanly possible to watch I cannot find something that draws me in. So instead of TV I swap to Facebook and mindlessly scrolls through. Then I proceed to do the same with Instagram. All the while I am feeling increasingly fatigued and worn out. My body and mind are giving me every clue possible to go to bed yet something is stopping me from getting up off the couch and heading to bed. 

Does this scenario feel familiar and resonate with you? If you know this situation for yourself it’s likely you are experiencing revenge bedtime procrastination (RBP). This is when you make a decision to sacrifice sleep for leisure when you have a schedule that is so busy you don’t have much free time. The ‘revenge’ part comes from the fact that we are taking revenge upon our busy day. 

Bedtime procrastination can happen on the sofa or in your bed. If you’re someone who plays on their phone in bed and despite heavy eyelids continues to scroll or watch cute videos of cats you may also be your own victim of RBP. 

Having a busy and demanding career can take up the majority of your time. Revenge bedtime procrastination is the result of trying to find time to relax, chill out and entertain yourself at the expense of sleep. 

We all know how important sleep is to allow our bodies to rest, repair and re-energize yet we somehow allow this bedtime procrastination to keep us awake. We might be really motivated people at 9am in the morning but after a long day when we feel that we just need to sit down for a little while we become expert procrastinators!

So what can you do to prevent you being a revenge bedtime procrastinator? The answer is good sleep hygiene. Examples of good sleep hygiene include:

Try to get up and go to bed at a similar time every day 7 days a week.
Avoid caffeinated drinks at least 8 hours before bedtime. Have a ‘sleep’ tea.
Avoid alcohol in the late afternoon and evening.
Put your devices down at least 90 minutes before bed. 
Listen to your body and it’s clues. If it’s telling you that you are tired, go to bed. Don’t fight it! 
Try some relaxation techniques such as reading, bedtime meditation, having a bath or gentle stretching. 

So next time you find yourself about to delay bedtime when you’re actually really tired don’t distract yourself with tv, devices or social media. Be strong and head to bed!

As a member of The Mint Door, you will join a team that puts a high priority on quality sleep! 
Find out more about The Mint Door Membership HERE:

Listen to Your Voice, Not Your Echo

Do you really want to fit in?

Dr. Laura Schwindt
I vividly remember the moment. It was the summer between 4th and 5th grade at a friend's birthday party. The year was 1980, and some significant trends were just getting started. 

The sun shone through the evergreen trees onto a group of giggling girls jumping on a trampoline. They were all wearing the same blue jeans with a fun design embroidered on one back pocket. The trampoline was shimmering as they all continued to bounce and flip for what seemed like forever to me.

I was not having fun. I wanted to explore the woods and be among the trees. Also, I did not have designer blue jeans with fun embroidery on the back pocket. I didn't belong, and I felt it. I wondered what I needed to do to feel like I belonged. At that moment, I decided I needed to start jumping on the trampoline, and I made a mental note to beg my mom to buy me a pair of those jeans. 

Fitting in is like the wind. One moment it blows a gentle breeze that makes you feel relaxed, tickling your skin and enticing your hair to dance. The next moment it blows with the force of a hurricane, pushing you into directions you may or may not want to go, howling so loud you can't hear your voice.

At that birthday party in 1980, jumping on the trampoline, I remember wondering why I wanted to be out in the forest, and nobody else did. Reflecting on that moment now, I realize that no one knew I wanted to explore the woods because I was too worried about fitting in to voice my desire. It's possible someone else may have wanted to dance in the trees, too, but they were too busy fitting in with the rest of us!

Brené Brown tells us, "Belonging so fully to yourself that you're willing to stand alone is a wilderness-an untamed, unpredictable place of solitude and searching. It is a place as dangerous as it is breathtaking, a place as sought after as it is feared. The wilderness can often feel unholy because we can't control it or what people think about our choice of whether to venture into that vastness or not. But it turns out to be the place of true belonging, and it's the bravest and most sacred place you will ever stand."

You may have similar memories of trying to fit in. When you jog down memory lane and think of these times, what exactly do you feel? For me, I start to feel a knot in my stomach, and my heart begins to beat a little faster. I may even start to breathe quickly or even hold my breath. 

My path as a high achiever led me down several roads of trying to fit in or conform to societal norms and pressures. The harder I tried, the more I felt I was not good enough. Looking back, I don't think I wanted to fit in. What I longed for was to belong.

To belong, you get to inhabit any space as your true self. Not changing yourself but being comfortable with yourself and owning your uniqueness can seem scary, but it requires much less effort and brings much more peace and joy. To show up as your authentic self takes courage and a constant reminder that you are already OK, just as you are. Remember, fitting in may seem more manageable, but it's also easy to lose little pieces of you when you try to fit in. 

Once you understand that you would rather belong than fit in, you can celebrate this and bring it into all areas of your life. As women doctors, we are often in leadership positions and fostering environments of belonging can enhance our daily experience of life and empower others to do the same. 

A belonging workplace environment allows others to share ideas, become enhanced problem solvers, and work together with more harmony and joy.

Simple Actions To Foster Belonging:
*Check-in with others. Ask how things are going professionally and personally.
*Ask for opinions from those that are often quiet during group discussions.
*Celebrate everyone's unique gifts often and openly.
*Continually ask for input and encourage curiosity and questions.
*Remember, to be understood, you should first aim to understand.

A simple and interactive values exercise is one of the best ways to move towards a more belonging work environment. It's always one of the first tasks during our Practice Wellness Programs, and we are always impressed with how this key opens the doors to enhanced team culture. 

To learn more about how The Stepping Stones Practice Wellness Program can bring more belonging to your team, follow the link HERE:

Choose the path of belonging for yourself and for those you surround yourself with in life. Belonging is your home. And, you don't need to wear blue jeans with special embroidery on the back pocket, I promise!

Not All Days are the Same

Do you have a favorite day of the week? 

Dr. Karen Tindall
Do you have a favorite day of the week? How about the day you least look forward to?

What makes those days the best or the worst of the week? I just had a conversation with my teenage daughter today about how Wednesdays are the day she dreads. When I asked her why that was she replied it is because she does not get any breaks, all her classes are back to back. It feels like a marathon of hard classes.

For me I’ve never really appreciated Thursdays. It just seems like the day when most people feel irritable, tired or short tempered. Almost at the end of the week but not quite. It can seem like an uphill day. I’ve felt this way since I was a child when both my parents worked late on Thursdays and I think it has prejudiced how I look at Thursdays ever since.

Thursday was always one of my long days in my dental practice. I felt under pressure to finish on time. I should mention that I was the only one who put this pressure on myself. It was created entirely within my head. My girls had to go to after school programs and I would collect them in the dark and rain. I never wanted them to be the last ones to be picked up and by the time I got to them we were all tired and ready to be at home.

One Thursday I had a realization. I was spending 1 out of every 7 days, that is 14% of my time not enjoying my day simply because it was a Thursday!

So I decided to do an experiment. Could I change my mindset about Thursdays?

Here was the plan of action:

*Reframe that Thursday was really no different than any other work day.
*Find positive things about Thursday and really focus on them.
*Start a Thursday morning gratitude practice.
*Align my values with Thursdays.
*Start to believe that Thursdays are just as precious as all the other days too!

Bit by bit I started to implement these steps into my Wednesday evenings and Thursdays. It was clear to me that I wasn’t upholding one of my values. It is really important to me that I don’t have to feel rushed or constantly keep watching the time. Thursdays were so busy I always kept one eye on the clock so I would not run late and leave work promptly. After school care didn’t like waiting for a dentist whose final patient showed up 20 minutes late!

I created new boundaries that when my final patient was late my receptionists would always check with me if I could see them first before letting them take a seat in the waiting room. This new system really started to work. The front office staff supported me and together we were able to politely manage the late patients and their expectations.

Positivity and gratitude practices take very little time to do but their effects are far reaching. Bit by bit I was able to change my long standing prejudice of Thursdays and was able to appreciate that I can enjoy the day regardless of its name!

Letting Go Allows More Room for What You Desire

This too shall pass

Dr. Laura Schwindt
Laying on the floor of the gymnasium, breathing like a maniac, my mom told me something that forever changed my life. 

My mom has this saying, and it infuriates me when she says it! 

 "This too shall pass."  

There was the time I caught a salamander when I was five years old. Now, this was a typical salamander; slimy and smelly. I LOVED this salamander. I wanted to create a habitat for him in one of the cool whip containers from the Tupperware drawer. Just as I took the scissors to punch breathing holes in the lid, my mom stopped me. She didn't want me to destroy the top. (I mean, it was a perfect and fully functioning cool whip container!) 

Being resourceful, I decided to fabricate the cover from aluminum foil which I could then poke breathing holes in and save the cool whip lid. Genius, right??? Well, until Slimy decided the aluminum foil was no match for his escape attempt and tore through a hole to his freedom. 

I was devastated. I felt like I couldn't go on. 

Mom, "This too shall pass."

Me: "This is never going to pass!"

Time went by, she was right, the feeling passed. 

When I was in High School, I had a goal to get straight A's. In one of my required Phy Ed classes, Pickle Ball, our grade depended on our performance at the end of the semester tournament. I gave it my all game after game, knowing my grade depended on it. I placed 3rd and received a B. It was my only B in high school. 

I was devastated. I felt like I couldn't go on. 

Mom, "This too shall pass."

Me: "This is never going to pass!"

Time went by, she was right, the feeling passed. 

My mom detested the word Fart. My sister and I LOVED the word Fart. Each time we would use the phrase FART, my mom would calmly correct us, "Passing gas, please."

The only thing my mom detested more than the word FART was a telephone call interrupting dinner. One night, while we were enjoying a lovely spam dinner, the phone rang. My mom bristled, stomped over to the phone, and picked it up. The person on the other line (probably sensing my mom's anger in the 'hello,' hung up. 

"Oh, you FART-Head!" my mom yelled. 

My sister and I BURST out in laughter! Don't you mean "Passing Gas Head, Mom?" 
We continued to laugh and joke about it through the rest of dinner. 

Mom was NOT amused, and my dad had to remind her, "This too shall pass." 

And it did. My mom passed away after a 5-year journey through Leukemia. It was 2006. My kids were 5,3 and 1. 

The pain was unbearable. 

I was devastated. I felt like I couldn't go on. 

Mom, "This too shall pass."

Me: "This is never going to pass!"

Time went by; she wasn't right this time; the feeling didn't pass. 

My life felt like it was at a standstill for 13 years. 

Fast forward to me on that gymnasium floor. The description I read of the live breathwork class urged me there:

 "A breathing technique that will clear out all stored negative emotional baggage from your body."

After about 40 minutes of breathing, I felt my mom. Then I saw her. Tears streamed down my face, and I got angry with her.

You always said, "This too shall pass." When? When will my grief of losing you pass? WHEN?

She put her hand on my head and calmly said,
"When you let it." 
-Roy T. Bennett says, 
"Time doesn't heal emotional pain; you need to learn how to let it go."

And so I offer you this, 

Freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you release the future to be unlike it.

Start small. Life will start helping you.

Surrender, allow gratitude for whatever shows up and find joy in what is. 

The less you hold on to, to more open you are to receive what is next. 

And the next time you feel like you can't go on, remember:

"This too shall pass if you let it."
I wrote this to present as my 5-minute speech if I happened to make the finals of the Dentistry's Got Talent contest in 2021. I didn't make the cut, so this never did get spoken. But this morning, I heard a song on my Peloton ride that reminded me of it: "This too shall pass" by OK Go.

Now I ask you, what do YOU need to let pass?
A grudge
Or, maybe a fart!